‘Manna is distributed by the People’s Currency Foundation as a basic human right that every person in the world is eligible to receive, for free.
It is the world’s first digital currency provided as Universal Basic Income
It is recognized and backed by a U.S based charity and uses blockchain technology. Manna aims to provide a just and sustainable economic system that respects, represents, and includes ALL human beings.
Manna has achieved milestones in the cryptocurrency movement, as the first blockchain-based currency to be created and distributed by a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, and the first digital currency to implement a Universal Basic Income as its primary method of distribution.’ (taken from
Why Do It?
Well… Only 62 people own more than half of the worlds wealth, whilst 3 billion people are living on less than $2.50 a day. Manna’s non-discriminatory money distribution will help to alleviate problems such as job loss due to automation, corrupt political and financial institutions, and wealth disparity.
So why wouldn’t you? Mannabase launched as Grantcoin in 2015 and has seen an 80-FOLD INCREASE IN PRICE achieving a circulating market cap of over $4 Million USD as of Jan 1st, 2018. (still a very small project). The room for growth is massive and there are already more than 3500 stakeholders In Manna across at least 100 countries! In 2017 alone over $250,000 USD has been given away as basic income in the form of Grantcoin/Manna currency.
So how do you get Manna?
Go here:
Or if your feeling kind and want to use my referral link go here (
Sign up and get your code, prove to Manna that you are you, a unique human being. Then watch as you receive regular distributions.
Even if you couldn't care less about the ethics it is a very simple sign up process which can net you a free weekly income (even if it is just an extra pint.)
I would really urge you to check the project out as I believe they are trying to do something beneficial for the everyone involved. Also, as stated previously I am not paid or endorsed to write anything neither is this financial advice, I simply choose projects which I think are trying to achieve great things and share an unbiased and simplified overview of the project.
(Roadmap below)