Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. My personal invite link:
I have 3 invites left.
If you sign up using the link, let me know and I will verify you.
Step 1 Sign up
- Sign up is quick and easy.
- This step gets you the account
Step 2 Let me know
I will verify you
- This step gets you $14,000 Q
Here's my wallet after being verified...
Step 3 Share your link
For each person who signs up you get about $14,000 Q
I've verified 2 people.
Here's my wallet with 1 verified person...
Here's my wallet with 2 verified people...
I'm not exactly sure how, but it says I can have (so you can too) up to $140,091 Q.
What is Initiative Q?
- About page
- Economic Model
- A glimpse at the Q Payment Network
- Read the FAQ](
What is a Q token worth?
I dunno exactly.
It's not really important anyway is it?
You are getting yours for FREE
The Q token worth goal
What is important is what the company is planning on making a Q token worth.
- $1 USD
- Pegged to maintain a constant $1 USD, so businesses can trade in Q tokens.
I at least try to sign up for anything that is free.
- Who knows which one (or more) will pay off?
- This was one of the easiest I've ever signed up for.
I only have 3 spots left!
Sign up now!!!
Meaning you can't waste your vote |
Speaking of @dustsweeper. If you happen to comment, be sure to let me know if you are using it.
That way I can upvote you my 2 cents and it will raise that up so it's not dust and you will actually get paid. Otherwise, I won't waste a vote on your comment. Make sense? If not, maybe you need to read this information...
Only 1 spot left...
Here's my wallet after verifying 4 people
Hi wizardave, i am already sign up. Please verify. Thank you.