Greedy & Corrupt

in #airhawk5 days ago

The government should be responsible enough. To do some things that are right for the citizen. But the words we are seeing today is that the government does not even want to be responsible in any way. They don’t want to have anything to do with the masses.

They don’t even want to create any road. In fact, they want the masses to be very poor to the point that they will leave. On the alcohol at every time of the day. I cannot say if this is good or bad. What I’m saying is that everything we do on it has repercussions.

If you as a corrupt politician decide to go on with your corruption for a longer period of time, a time will come that the corruption is going to catch up with you. Either we get on the government that decide to pursue. Quote and send such a corrupt politician to gaol or your greediness make you to keep embezzling money to the point of no return, where you will get caught and the shame of the entire world will be upon you. But you know what the craziest part of all this thing is that no matter how shameful that will make a petition to become, they will still Going on embezzled their money, I mean the money that they have invested, they don’t remove it out of their hands, they don’t forfeit it, which makes embezzling and corruption a very interesting business to do. Let’s assume a politician now decided to embezzle $1 billion and he did it in some. African countries, even if he got caught, they will not collect all those money from him. They will end up.

Privately dividing those things into half so he gets like $500 million free or 700 million depending on his bargaining power or who is in power that can help him to fight for his case. So he still goes back home with that looted funds. This is the very bad part of Democrats. If it is a communist society, nobody can try this kind of a thing. A socialist community will never amount to this kind of it in only a capitalist community encourage this kind of behaviour.
