no, heck no, you’re the best though but I’m playing! Just looked like a good place to drop off some addresses. 👍🏿 Not just for you but :attention: anyone feels like testing their crypto sending skills and you’re in the Christmas spirit then by all means, don’t let me stop you, there’s 3 addresses up there to send to. whistle tombstone whistle Bernie... whoops! Dang thumbs again!! <— knock it off, thumbs! Choose 1 or all 3. I’ll help you keep track of the transaction time—promise!
Yesterday was a rough day but we made it! Man what a great turn out that one was. I’ve been pretty emotional and I could’ve came around, I just figured one week out of here entirely may do some good. I think it did. Allowed me to leave Chris at the top of my page for a week too.
But I’m looking forward to showing you something new tomorrow @thebigsweed. Happy Sunday! Thanks for being cool.
edit first time since I registered here last year that my ‘active’ posts at steemworld has 0 next to it. Kinda cool seeing that for the first time. It looks like this:
Active(0) (looks weird doesn’t it?)
You're getting there, first replied thoughts funny, pretty funny, actual very funny.
Will be looking for something new tomorrow , or the next day, even the day after that, no material after that, it's push the button unfollow down, or is it lift the follow button up, maybe unfollow the follow buttonn, no I got it, follow the unfollow button down.
Get busy, or one of the above will occur.