It is 1:34am here on the Big Island, Hawaii.
A bluemoon + supermoon total lunar eclipse begins in 11 minutes.
My experiences have dispelled any doubt that we are effected by the planetary bodies.
We are vibration, resonance and harmony.
We are swayed by the symphony of the spheres.
Like the tides, we ebb and we flow.
Alchemy is learning to surf the eternal.
Tonight we paddle out.
On the occasion of this alignment of heavenly bodies, I cast into the aether a noble intent to express myself with more authenticity, clarity and depth.
And so it is...

Crafted with ♥ in Hawaii
So amazing three phenomena in just one night. :)
Indeed.. Really stoked to go down to the park by the ocean and witness the magick. Time for me to go :)
i bet that was epic!
Your bet was correct!
Awww man, we missed it where I live in Australia. Everything lined up except for the weather! Cloudy skies and no rain, so not even any added benefit :shakes fist: On the upside because there was no rain it means I don't have to go to work today. Time for some music production!
Bummer! Yeah we really lucked out.. It's been cloudy and rainy pretty consistently over the last couple weeks, but last night was crystal clear.
The moon was massive then shrunk into a deep red orb for over an hour, during which time the stars were particularly lively.
I am so glad I got up for this 🤩
my first lunar eclipse.. actually my first eclipse of anything.. stoked to deepen the connections 🌕