Tequila-Mocking, Bird

As I was about to share this article regarding the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol and how it takes over your soul, I glanced at the time, and it read 11:11. Just another sign of my alignment and the path I am on. The more into alignment I become the harder I can enjoy boozing, and my hangovers just get severely worse.


I've probably had three sessions here in Mallorca since 30 March (my last big night in Australia), and each one has left me with guilt, depression and hating my life, being confused about what path I'm on and overly emotional.

For 13 weeks I've battled to enjoy a drink but forced them down to 'be social'. I played with the thought I might be 'up the duff' for having such an aversion to it, but that's been ruled out. Alcohol just doesn't suit me anymore, and I'm no longer the party girl I once had a reputation for. I've seen it ruin people's lives and unfortunately people around them too. It makes people aggressive, nasty, emotional and soulless. After reading this article, I'm going to try to go completely sober (not that I'm an alcoholic by any means).


Every time I've gone 'dry' (Bali, India, etc.) I've become a better person, looked years younger, attracted people that were in alignment with myself and had a more positive outlook on life. Real shit started to happen... and then I'd meet up with an old pal and it was 'just one drink, ' and so the downward spiral would start. Messy nights, horrendous hangovers, miserable emotional weeks and no motivation.

Reading this article makes it all clear. Since my spiritual journey started, I've fought the 'new path' i.e., no alcohol and no meat with my previous way of living. I convinced myself I could eat meat and booze and still be on my woo-woo journey. I fought back at my Gurus in India about this concept of complete abstinence and knew better, or so I thought.


In my own time, my body has developed an aversion to meat (I get a recurrence of e.coli each time I eat it) and violently ill. I can't even stand the smell of it and can't handle or cook it myself anymore. Same thing with booze- I haven't enjoyed a drink in a while and suffered the week badly that follows.


I believe we should all listen to our bodies and when we're ready things will fall into -or out of place. I'm not preaching here, the opposite, in fact, sometimes when we fight back or force something (forcing ourselves to quit smoking, drugs, drinking, etc.), it continues to fester. Remember, resistance is persistence!! Just listen to your body, look out for the warning signs and cries for help (hangovers, depression, mood swings) and make subtle changes one day at a time. Without even trying to give up meat or drink, my body has slowly rejected it, naturally...

Fuck off to evil Spirits, Energy Vampires, and anyone not in alignment with me. If you can handle your drink, then you're one up, but if your drink controls you... read this article and decide for yourself.
