Alcoholic Stories #19: How to not pick up chicks (part II)

Continuing mini series of "how to not pick up chicks" but this part is sort off different. This is more sort of a...

How to not start dating a chick

In midst of a phenomenal summer I had planned to meet up with a DJ I used to know, because I haven't had seen him in ages. Just to drink and catch up a little. Mainly to drink. So here's the thing, me and him both like women and alcohol and both being completely broke we hatch this genius plan: we invite 2 chicks to my place, who would in turn buy us some alcohol. Genius, if you ask me. Neither of us had ever seen the girls, he found them off online or something like that.

The girls arrive, both beautiful blondes with a good taste in alcohol - they loved vodka and beer. Pretty classy. We buy couple of bottles of vodkas, head to my place... and black out. I wake up next to one of the girls, naked. Good night, I suppose. Feeling hungover me and my DJ-buddy plan to re-stock on alcohol and the girls were leaving (i think they figured we were leaving also, little did they know we were drinking the next 6 days in row and met a lot of wonderful ladies meanwhile) the one who woke up next to me kept talking how I promised her that we should definitely meet up and hang. Yeah, whatever, I can't even remember your name.

Unknown period of time passes while being crazed off alcohol and somehow I end up at this one flat party, where's this same chick. Come starts yelling like why I never called her and so on. I didn't really let that whining disturb my drinking meanwhile, I'm not much for drama to be honest. She cools off, starts making out with me, again, we pass out at another room and at the morning the same drill starts all over again:

Hey modernbukowski, we should definitely meet up like you said and like, go on dates and stuff, that would be so chilla, alright hun xo?

Yeah sure.. Whatever your name is.

Fast forward an unknown period of time. It's winter. It's a... party. Somewhere. She's there. Spends first half of the night yelling at me for refusing to date her ??? and second half of the night seducing me. I think she succeeded that night but the next morning I got seriously worried. I mean, I know I am a weird man, but this is a red flag for even me. And it feels awfully like I've been raped, yet again.

My friends mocked me for the mext few months for "forgetting to date her"... date her?! I can't even remember her name, for f*ck sake!


Freaky story, bro

Sure is. No doubt in that.

Dude, you got into the craziest shit

At first I was like: how the hell I keep meeting crazies.. Then I remembered that crazy attracts crazy.

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