What is Aleppo?

in #aleppo9 years ago

Before you go jumping in on the media dogpile of Gary Johnson, please watch the entire Morning Joe segment first.  In case you missed it, you can find it here.

The media got its sound byte of "What is Aleppo?  You're kidding right?"  Any opposition to the false left or right choice is not allowed.  So, after they got their sound byte, he went on to answer the foreign policy question.  Whether or not he did so correctly, can be debated another day.

If I were in his situation, I would have called Mike Barnicle on his poor attempt at an ambush, then wiped the floor with him after I dropped the knowledge of non-interventionism, and general disregard for the non-aggression principle on him.  I would have also brought up that the situation in Syria was entirely a creation by Hillary Clinton, and how electing her would be a bad idea.  While I was on that subject, I would also call out Trump for his "kill the families" remarks, and show how he would be no better for foreign policy.

I don't necessarily support Gary Johnson, but this kind of media ambushing or gotcha questions is a low blow.  Any so-called journalist that uses this kind of "interview skill", needs to not take themselves so seriously.

It is very likely that Donald Trump will continue to get these type of gotcha questions all the way to November, and if he wins the presidency, they will stop.  The same happened for George W. Bush, once he got in, they took it easy on him, sort of.  Hillary, will never face gotcha questions, and if she wins, she will continue to have media in her pocket and on a short leash.

Oh well, there is 60 days left until the election, I suspect the media will get down right nasty to any third party candidate if not just outright ignore them.  I for one, will be eating popcorn, and enjoying this circus sideshow until then.


It did look bad. Anyone can have brain fart though. Still deciding whether he's worth supporting

Yes, it did look quite bad. Didn't seem to be a brain fart, seemed he genuinely didn't know what the city was after they repeated the question. Johnson is far from perfect, but he also isn't evil in the "lesser of evils" question. Alex Jones paleo-conservatives may think he's a pawn for Hillary's victory, but I think he is just an imperfect Libertarian-Lite that is a step in the right direction.

Plus, he might not have trivially memorized every major city of conflict in Syria like others have and checked that box, rather he understands the deeper implications of such intervention. This is much more important than name-dropping cities and key words to fool people into thinking you know what you're talking about, like the cast of Morning Joe does all the time.

He's not a philisophical libertarian at all. The LP is just the closest to his views. I don't think he's a shill, but I do think he chose go in the opposite direction as Ron Paul and play politics and pander. Big mistake in my opinion.

He isn't the perfect candidate, but our worst is still better than thier best.