First, Alex made the frogs gay, and then he made the Internet gay, because it is time to make George Soros gay, because Soros is a big frog that is so gay already. Say gay ten times faster, I dare you.
Before you can say GAY, I can tell you something pretty gay. Speaking of gay, remember that song? I'm angry. I've had enough of these people. They're a bunch of Christian murdering scum, keeping babies alive and selling their DISNEY body parts. They're running around screaming that they love Satan and that they want to eat babies. I have it on video.
Hillary is into creepy weird sick stuff, man. She sleeps in the same room with that gay little Huma woman who wears a hood over her head like Darth Vader working for Emperor Soros who is banning websites like Drudge in Europe these past few years or is at least trying to and more.
And Soros said to me that Drudge is so gay. So, you cannot go to the Drudge. Yeah, you are not allowed to talk about the Drudge.
And Soros has been investing about 300 billion dollars or maybe more into overthrowing elections in different countries including America these past few years or so. And Soros has done what some accuse Russia of doing in America. Soros is influencing elections. Soros has been dividing and conquering countries, people, etc. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Billy Graham mentioned how deep the establishment was in the American government when he was speaking to thousands of people in Chicago in 1971. And the attorney general also said in 1971 that the biggest problem was not from without but from within the swamp we are trying to drain now with the help of Make America Great Again (MAGA), Donald Trump, BREXIT, and more.
And in 1971, many said that the leader of China, who was murdering millions of Chinese people, was Jesus. And why are people always talking about Jesus who is still alive inside my heart?
With Oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
About Me
My name is Joey Arnold, my email: [email protected]: I'm the original oatmeal, from Oregon. I'm for smaller government, less taxes/ regulations/ bad laws, more freedoms. I'm all for family values, community, nationalism, patriotism, freedoms of speech religion, arms, property, press, privacy, sovereignty, borders, decentralized free markets, cryptocurrencies, blockchain networks, Bitcoin, Steem, Gab, Minds, and L4OJ hope over dope, joy over circumstances, encouragement articles (EA), Trump, Brexit, and capitalism over crony capitalism, technocracy, tyranny, corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, oligarchy, progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, democrats, and I do hate Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Oprah of depopulation Agenda 21 programs, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Google, YouTube, DISNEY, Twitter, Amazon, Walmart, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bilderberg, NWO, EU, UN, NAU, CFR, and more.
2018-02-25 Sunday 02:10 PM LMS: Alex Jones Broke The Internet
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Wow dude this is some heavy content.
yes yes like beatssssssssssssssssssssss