Is Alex Jones Just The Beginning?

in #alexjones7 years ago

This week Facebook, Apple, Stitcher, and YouTube decided that Alex Jones is persona non grata and banned his stuff.

I am not the biggest fan of the InfoWars Alex Jones show. I have watched a few movies featuring him on Netflix, and may have heard snippets from his show, but have never gotten into his show. I don’t really get inspired by looking for false flags or anything like that, but the conversations are intriguing, and many people have decided that listening to his media is ok, and it is.

My feelings are this, I may not agree with you but I will defend you right to say things I disagree with. This Alex Jones thing is completely wrong what they are doing. Bowing to a small vocal minority of people who want to silence deceninting opinion. It is wrong. It will make people think, “should I say this controversial thing? Or should I be quite because it might get me kicked off YouTube and Facebook” or “maybe I should stop posting anything because I think what they are doing is wrong” either way it silences people. Who decides what is ok and not ok to say? That is the problem, it is subjective.

Now don’t get me wrong, these companies DO have the right to block anyone they want from using their platforms, they own them. The thing is it is wrong for them to collectively target anyone. They can do it, but it’s wrong.

We need to guard against companies that are willing to sensor people, it’ll only get worse if we don’t speak up against this.


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