The Annunaki are the ones that began civilization on Earth, by creating Man with part of their own DNA. And yes, Man was initially created as a gold mining slave.
The Annunaki then upgraded Man to become sentient, and gave him this world to have dominion over.
The Reptilians then came to Earth, and they have secretly enslaved Man ever since. The Annunaki have returned to free Man from this bondage.
...there was a lot of Pleiadian seeding in the Nordic lines, but since the Pleiadians and Annunaki are essentially the same base race, there isn't a lot of difference.
If you are Rh-, you have a direct connection to the Annunaki. If you are Rh+, your line is one of the created lines.
High IQ, eyes in the hazel, blue to green spectrum, industrious/innovative, protective of family, very high ethical and moral code, physically attractive (though this is of course in the eye of the beholder).
But again, one should not assume that any of these traits denote "superior" genetics, because the infusion of other seeder groups has made such an assumption impossible.
The UFO wave that is now filling your skies, came right after Lord RayEl announced their imminent arrival, so those ships are NOT GFL, they are Annunaki ships, under Lord RayEl's command.
...our Lord wants you to love and learn, but this is also the time of judgement, so there will be fear in the hearts of those who are not worthy.
Enki stayed after Enlil left, so history recorded his version of events, but it was Enki that caused the worker revolt, so that the necessity of creating slaves would arise, then Enki made the slaves in such a way, that they would be part Annunaki, and thus, an obligation to preserve them was forced upon the Annunaki. And why did Enki do all of this? Because he wanted to create a kingdom on Earth for himself, with obedient slaves. Hardly humanity's hero.
Enlil was the responsible one, he was the one against creating a retarded version of the Annunaki, simply to enslave them, his decisions were based on morality and mercy. Once there was no turning back, it was Enlil who nurtured humanity along its path to sentience. (full story in video below)
As to the aliens in question, there is no such thing as "interdimensional beings", we all have height, width, and depth, which means that we all occupy 3 dimensional space.
What are described as interdimensional beings, are simply aliens using transphasic technology. This technology allows them to vibrate at different frequencies, thereby removing themselves from your visible light spectrum.
Lord RayEl is half Anunnaki, and half Human. His body is Human, but (as we all watched during the Jerusalem Holy Spirit event) his Spirit is Anunnaki.
The Reptilians are the armies of Satan, and the Anunnaki fleet has arrived to assist Lord RayEl remove Satan and his legions from Earth.
He announced "The Armies of Heaven are fast approaching" in the May 21, 2011 address. They were still about 6 months away, traveling toward Earth at high speed.
The majority of the fleet arrived in November through January, and have been parked in orbit by Earth, Mars, and the Sun ever since.
He is fused to Raymond's soul, but he has the ability to "influence others", meaning that he can communicate at a distance.
Mermaids exist, in fact there have been a number of recent sightings around Israel, but the show on Animal Planet was an admitted fictional reproduction.
One must be careful not to turn the Anunnaki into magicians. They are immensely powerful, but they do obey most of the laws of physics. When they needed gold, they dug for it.
What comes from the heart my friend, is more important than all of the gold in the world.
Controlling things and creating things out of thin air, are two vastly different things.
The demand was during a period when Nibiru was in great need of gold to reinforce their depleted atmosphere. No such emergency exists now.
Today his only concern for gold, is for Man to learn that "communion" is the necessity of all people to share the burden together.
He announced that he was going to punish Christians in America, and the following day he almost wiped the heart of the Bible Belt off the map.
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A nice compilation here of knowledgeable information.
All of this is absolutely true! If we take the time to analyze the similarities between the Bible's Genesis and the Ancient Sumerian tales of creation we then realize that Genesis is merely an extremely condensed version of those tales!
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For those who don't know, this was a compilation of several quotes of the Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl during conversations with various congregants and clergy.
This information has been suppressed for years, soon it will be common knowledge
This is a lot of information to take in.
Spreading the truth! Kicking ass, and taking names...
Some great details on our creation and origins here. A beautiful mix of fact and imagination, culminating to a beautiful truth.
Such incredible knowledge and clarity which consistently comes from Lord RayEl's people!