Alien or Fungus?

in #alien7 years ago

Hello friends,

I want to share something with you. I found this rhozomorphic structure in a German forest last year. At first i didn't know what it is and i was very surprised at first. After a thorough research i came to the conclusion that this organism fits to the mushroom family Armillaria sp. The fungus is also known as Hallimasch

The largest living creature in the world is neither the blue whale nor one of the giant redwood trees in California, but the Hallimasch in Oregon. There is a good reason why the mushroom remained undiscovered for a long time: it grows underground.

The Hallimasch in Oregon is a giant mushroom that extends over nine square kilometres. For comparison: This corresponds to an area of 1,200 football pitches. What's so big takes time to grow. The age of the hallimash is estimated at a proud 2,400 years. This makes the mushroom one of the oldest living organisms in the world. In 2000, it was discovered in the soil of the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, USA.

Underground a giant, above ground a harmless looking mushroom. It grows mainly one metre below ground. Its blackish-brown threads, only a few millimetres thick, penetrate the soil and form a coherent network, also known as mycelium. Above ground, it can only be seen in some mushrooms with yellow hats growing on trunks and stumps.
