Utter bullshit fairytale chok full of scary numbers and scary words. And what's really cool is how in the bible god kills millions, biologic weapons and all. Satan, the one you've allowed yourself to be so thoroughly frightened by, only killed nine. Yet there everyone is cheering on backwards masked evil and blaming a scapegoat.
Genesis. The usual suspects lies and numerologic manipulations. Put down that collection of rabbi pigshit and read and real mans book: Thomas Paine's Age of Reason.
Ps. "The kingdom of heaven is within." That's what the carpenter said right? Inside your brain! It's also what michaelangelo painted in the chapel and they almost killed him for it and called it blasphemy. He got caught symbolically exposing their bullshit.
Science: Doesn't give a shit about belief.
Heaven is microscopic. Not up. Not down. But in. In your head and heart.
"People love to believe in bullshit and bullshitters because reality is too fucking scary!" -Rogan
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