
in #alienarthive4 years ago (edited)

Art is a process.






And I am documenting
How I —

I gave {you} my pain
on a silver platter;
raw, undigested
thought matter.

this is the complete progress of my black lit painting {so far}. number four in the seventeen painting series.

Q: what have you learned thus far in the process of becoming an artist?

I’ve learned how “good” artists channel their pain onto a medium as a way to make sense of the world. And that I am not unique at all, that anyone that resonates can pluck a string too. The vibration is channeled through the artist to heal them, in order to heal a nation.

And by “good” that’s subjective. I have certain artists that I vibe deeply with — and other I couldn’t care less. Honing that ability to define ones subjective world with tastes and preferences is beautiful, a stunning process. I was training to be a doctor of chiropractic before this, hyper-focusing on objective measures and research; and look at me now.

Q: What is the creative process?

It’s ones unique personality express through various cracks in the matter. It’s breath work and taking two showers per day, sometimes. It is meditation during each and every second. It is an active process of looking for inspiration; looking to the universe for help.

It’s finding out how to express oneself in words. It’s feeling that inner creative pressure as dense bricks and soul ripping stimulation.

It’s personal spirituality.

It’s whatever I want it to be.