Aliens are Demons Debate - Part II

in #aliens7 years ago

*original painting by Megan Elaine Fleming
My March 7, 2018 notes: I mention Stan Romanek and Whitley Strieber in the first paragraph below, and will qualify my conclusions in hindsight by stating that Steven Greer, for one, believes that several of the beings they encountered were PLFs - or Programed Life Forms - created by deep state black ops and designed to abuse and terrify these men, and those they broadcast to. Based on my study of various paranormal experiences, I agree with his assessment. I also would like to point the curious towards more deep study of the mind-blowing myriad of orders of universe beings as described in the Urantia Book.

Also, I wish to qualify my statement below that "demons are 'aliens,' but not all aliens are demons" because I since have gained understanding about the difference between evolutionary beings (like us, whose animal ancestors were developed on Earth) and the other orders of created beings. By "demons are aliens" I meant that they have similar higher density as some aliens have and that they did not originate from the dust of the Earth. The origin of the entities called "demons" in the Bible are halfway between humans and angels - functionally between 3rd and 4th density, meaning they can manifest in and manipulate the 3rd density but are still invisible to our 3rd density eyes. Their origin story according to the Urantia Book can be found here.
This is in addition to the origin of fallen angels. And all these are, in my understanding, ultimately the ones who influence the rebellion of the rest of the evolutionary beings who refuse to ascend, such as the majority of Reptilian races that I mention below.

Originally Posted November 15, 2015
In my last post, I laid out a comprehensive overview of progressive consciousness, from Creator at the 13th density all the way down to elements at the 1st. The physical realm constitutes of densities 1-3, the semi-physical realm constitutes densities 4-6, and the non-physical realms are the 7th-13th.

Using this lens to understand the nature of God, angels, demons, “aliens,” and humans, then, I have concluded that the “aliens” humans have interacted with throughout history are from the 4th-6th densities. It explains Stan Romanek’s contact with “grays,” that are 4th density physical beings; Whitley Strieber’s contact with semi-physical beings that went through walls (who were likely 5th); it explains the common coincidence of apparitions with contact of physical ETs (from the 6th density, or ghosts of any of the 3rd-6th deceased densities), and it explains how Rob Gauthier can channel 5th and 6th density entities who are not physically present on our Earth (which are semi-physical and only detectable by a 3rd density moving into 4th).

And it explains angels and demons - who I infer are from the 6th density due to their ability to still physically manifest to 3rd density entities. Which means that David Flynn and Guy Malone are partially correct: demons ARE “aliens;” however, aliens are not unilaterally demons.

The concept of “aliens” as little green men from Mars must give way to the fuller acceptance of the progression of densities. Someone demanded to know from me at one point if I really thought ETs from millions of light years away got in space ships and flew to our planet. The science of it stumped them. The small thinking grieved me. Once you understand that each race at a higher density than us has abilities in technology, consciousness, and physics that don’t fit into our experience as 3rd density beings, you can begin to accept the potential of higher density entities interacting in our world.

Christians really have been “accepting” these for centuries. We accept angels. We accept demonic forces. We accept the supernatural in general. We just have a really hard time with aliens. Why? Something about the stages just a couple densities higher than us doesn’t compute. Like Baldacci stated as included in my previous post, we have traditionally had four categories: plant, animal, human, and angelic. And there’s a big jump between humans and angels.

So some “aliens” are demons. This is not earth-shaking news. Some are technically not alien to our Earth. Not “extraterrestrial” in that sense. According to the entities Rob Guathier channels, the reason we humans are troubled by what we would call “demons” is that there is a race of Reptilian 6th density entities who refuse to accept the Creator’s love and light and only want to dominate all densities below them. Incidentally, 90% of all the Reptilian races in our galaxy happen to be in negativity. He explains that they are in what is known as “negative ascension,” that is, they have expanded consciousness but in negativity and not towards love. They are at the threshold of the next density, the 7th, but in order to ascend to that level, entities must leave behind negativity and integrate both positive and negative, mastering unconditional love, and leave behind all physicality. And they do not wish to do this. They have dominated other ET races in our galaxy and solar system, and some humans as well. According to more than one source (all ET sources I have come across), FEAR is what feeds them. And they hate love, believing that love makes one weak. They can’t stand being around love, apparently.

I’m going to let Lon To, a female 4th density entity from the Hok-Ni planet in the Hok-Ni Solar System say it in her own words:

Many entities at the seventh level can see all dimensions,
which not all have your best interests in their heart.
They look upon you sometimes in the dimensions
beneath, as you might see animals or insects. Also
there are entities that try to feed off of your
consciousness when it is in fear. So without your fear
they could not exist. These entities try to keep your
soul from reaching the different dimensions and
densities, so that they can keep you in a perpetual
conscious stasis, were there is no growth nor
development, so their souls are not in jeopardy.
Because when they lose you, they think they are
losing their life, because they have thought of you as
some type of food to feed on. There is only a purpose
of trying to keep you to stop your spiritual growth,
for if you do not spiritually grow, they tend to gain for
they figure that you are a lower consciousness. You
have nothing to fear from these types of entities,
because it is simple, when you do not fear them, then
they have nothing to feed from. Only your fear can
make them stronger. We want to explain this because
it is just one small piece of the metaphysical universe
that we see. So what message that I am truly trying
to relate to you is this, not all entities are for the
betterment of all people. And there is a God even
though you cannot comprehend, perhaps, what it all
means. Do not fear the ones whom do not have your
betterment in mind and know that you are able to
grow spiritually. And to know that your soul will never
disappear; and your soul will never stop traveling.
Please, enjoy the journey!
And this is the message, in the exact terms that
we wished to share.

from Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans; channeled by Treb Bor Yit-NE through Rob Gauthier