The Book of Shmob chapter 2

in #aliens4 years ago

Chapter 2 - Handikuda and Shmob

For a long time the Handikuda didn’t change much, their technology evolved extremely slow, and only their body and posture changed, along with their social interactions, but that’s it. At that time there were different species of Handikudas, but one of these became more invasive and violent against the others, and soon all other Handikudas became extinct. The Shroomobs were deeply saddened by the loss of the other species of Handikudas because they were really cool as well, and were good friends of the Shmobs. There was not much Shmobs could do about it because when they realised what was going on it was already too late. Anyhoo, that's how evolution works on Earth.
The surviving omnivorous Handikuda’s loved the Shroomobs as well. They used to come across Shmob colonies a lot, because they were almost everywhere, and one day they took some with them and ate it. This became a common practice for the Handikudas, and this practice is still quite popular to this day. Being eaten isn't really a problem for a Shmob, because its life cycle and expressions are more complicated than what meets the eye. You see, what the Handikuda finds appealing and delicious is just an outside form meant to recall the attention of creatures and instaurate relationships. Shmobs can produce as many external shapes as they want. The modern Handikuda scientists described our physical life cycle in a very detailed way, down to the microscopical process, but the Smobs actual state of being is invisible and a mystery for Handikudas. On Fungai, their outside shape is much more simpler than it is on Earth, this is because they discovered that Handikudas rely on their visual senses a lot. They found this so amusing that they started to fashion themselves in all kinds of ways to attract the attention of Handikudas. Eventually this became a thing amongst them and as a result increased the number of the missions, everybody wanted to show off their coolest external shape to engage with the Handikudas. Some of them became so popular with the Handi’s that they kept their style unchanged throughout the ages. When consumed, each Shmob had different effects on different creatures, and unfortunately sometimes it may even be harmful to them. The life forms on Fungai and most on Earth have the ability to naturally understand if an external body is good or bad for them, but the same can’t be said for Handikudas. It was devastating to see Handikudas losing their lives because they ate the wrong Shmob. Anyway the Handikudas' interest in Schmobs made them more aware and careful, and these unfortunate accidents became rarer.

Since the early days of the Handikuda civilization and up until now, two large groups of Shmobs have been really popular picks, one for their good taste, and the others for their psychedelic properties. These two groups of Shmobs became really important elements in Handikudas life and culture, not just because of the food supply, but also because they found a way to communicate with Shmobs.
The Shroomobs grow in a deep symbiosis with the environment, and they have established a contact that enables them to listen and communicate with their surroundings. Ever since Handikudas began to have a more complex society, they started to lose this connection they had with nature. Never had Handikudas been more detached from their environment than in contemporary times. The day they found out that the consumption of some kinds of Shmobs enabled them to communicate with them was a great discovery for both species. Shmobs could talk to Handies in an extremely deep way, through sounds, visions and feelings. They showed the Handikudas things that their undeveloped sense of vision couldn't notice, because unfortunately their eyes can just see the material form of things, so the Shmobs began to put them in touch with their own environment. Although, this wasn't always so easy, as the Handikuda had to be in an elevated state of mind when attempting to communicate with the Shmobs. The few Hahandikudas who were able to communicate with Shmobs were considered very important figures in their society, as they were the keepers of the secrets of life. Few of these ‘Shamans’ as the Handikudas would call them, still exist in all parts of the Earth and continue to be the bridge between Handikuda and nature.


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