NASA confirms the existence of space objects on a moon close to Saturn

in #aliens7 years ago

NASA has confirmed for the first time the possibility of the existence of alien extraterrestrial creatures.

NASA has discovered that the Encela dos near Saturn contains conditions, specifications, standards and energy sources that can make life possible for extraterrestrials and extraterrestrials.

Which have long occupied the mind of man and unleashed his fantasies, as well as that some scientists were warning that these organisms may organize an invasion targeting the Earth one day and a threat to human existence.
According to a study by NASA scientists, published by the journal Science Science, and quickly received by many media in Britain, the moon "Enceladus" near the planet Saturn is the only place outside the Earth, which scientists have access to direct evidence that it contains sources of energy Make life on its surface possible for objects and space creatures.

Enceladus is the sixth largest satellite of the planet Saturn. Qatar has a circle of 500 km, so it is not more than 10% of the largest satellites that surround the planet Saturn, but its specifications are completely different from the rest of the satellites, and its orbit is 33 Hour, that is, the day on this moon is 33 hours.

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According to the report published by the newspaper "Metro" British results of the study, "NASA" The Moon contains a water environment, and the columns of ice containing hydrogen comes from hydrothermal vents, which led scientists to believe that it contains an environment similar to those that existed on the ball And led to the emergence of life four billion years ago.

The discovery came after analyzing the information from NASA's space mission to explore the planet Saturn, which ended in September from a 13-year mission.
"If this is true, it will have fundamental effects on the probability of life on the planet Enceladus," wrote geologist Geoffrey Soywald, commenting on the new discovery.

The moon was first discovered in 2005 by the space mission "Kazini", but NASA discovered ten years later that the moon contains an ocean of water, finally discovered that it also contains conditions similar to those in which life originated On the planet more than four billion years ago, which scientists considered an important indicator of the possibility that there are creatures and space living on the surface of that moon.