If Aliens LandedTomorro, How would we Understand each other?

in #aliens9 years ago


 As scary as it may seem for some, the prospect of an extraterrestrial  civilization making contact with us on our home turf is something  mankind needs to consider. Because even if the aliens’ intentions are  good, we’re still going to have some problems. 

 The scientific world is divided. Some dismiss the existence of aliens  until irrefutable evidence is presented. The others are again divided  into two groups: those who believe contact with an extraterrestrial race  will occur soon and the others, who surmise the alien connection will  only happen in the far future. 

 It’s obvious mankind could really use some contingency plans just in  case aliens decide to drop by. Those plans are certain to exist but  civilian access to them is forbidden. So let us construct our own  hypotheses and debate what would happen—in terms of communication—if a  great big UFO landed where we could all see it. 

 For the sake of our argument, let’s assume the alien species would  communicate in a manner we could comprehend, either through  vocalizations or imagery. If their language consisted of a series of  harmonic emissions of ionized gasses, we might not have the organs to  detect their ‘spoken words.’ So the first prerequisite for a chat with  aliens would be that they developed a form of comprehensible language  that could be translated into concepts we could understand. American  linguist Noam Chomsky believes it could be possible, although it most  certainly wouldn’t be easy: 

  “The same structures that make it possible to learn a human language  make it impossible for us to learn a language that violates the  principles of universal grammar,” Chomsky told NY Times reporter John  Gliedman. “If a Martian landed from outer space and spoke a language  that violated universal grammar, we simply would not be able to learn  that language the way that we learn a human language like English or  Swahili.” He is convinced the endeavor would require a different  plan of attack, one that would require more brains than an army of  hungry sapiosexual zombies. 

 “We should have to approach the alien’s language slowly and laboriously —  the way that scientists study physics, where it takes generation after  generation of labor to gain new understanding and to make significant  progress. We’re designed by nature for English, Chinese, and every other  possible human language. But we’re not designed to learn perfectly  usable languages that violate universal grammar. These languages would  simply not be within the range of our abilities.” 

  The second condition for any meaningful communication to arise would  be the existence of reference points both parties would understand. In  reality, this wouldn’t be that hard. A civilization that has traveled  the vast distances of outer space would most likely share some common  grounds with humanity. We’ve heard it time and again: mathematics is the  universal language and this holds true, especially when considering the  hurdles a space-faring species would have had to overcome. Without an  understanding of physics and natural phenomena, they wouldn’t have  survived their own stone age, let alone land on an alien (to them)  planet. A species that successfully manipulates the matter around  itself would definitely make use of concepts like size, time,  similarity and difference, dead or alive. Even though they would be  different from us, we could find some common grounds. 

 But then again, there are multiple instances in the history of mankind  where communication channels simply couldn’t be opened. In their  conquest for land and riches, humanity’s explorers mercilessly  slaughtered entire tribes because of the language barrier. You don’t  even have to look back in history to see examples of humans not being  able to get a hold of each other. 

 In the Indian Ocean’s Bay of Bengal lays one of the most isolated places  on Earth: North Sentinel Island. The size of Manhattan, this  undisturbed island is home to a tribe that has never been contacted by  modern man. Although technically in the Stone Age, the Sentinelese tribe  inhabiting the island ferociously guard it against any trespassers,  even if it means attacking helicopters with wooden spears. So, even  among members of the same species, communication can prove impossible if  an area of agreement is not demarcated. 

 A similar thing could happen to us if advanced extraterrestrials decided  to make a public appearance. Although you and I and all the rest of the  well-meant world would probably militate for a friendly handshake, we  are still the minority. Don’t believe me? Watch the reactions of the  witnesses of a recent UFO sighting. Although it wasn’t determined the  flying lights were indeed extraterrestrial and, even if they were, they  exhibited no dangerous intentions, but the crowd still wanted to resort  to violence. No matter the issue, mob mentality frequently and quickly  makes use of the tar and feather argument. 

 But in the case of an alien visitation that the populace would mistake  for an invasion, we can only hope the aliens themselves are wise and  quick enough to quell the masses’ fears. They could only do so if they  spoke out loud and clear for everyone to hear. They alone could mitigate  the situation they created. The world governments, much like the  Sentinelese, would indubitably brandish nukes and other WMDs, even  though, in the eyes of advanced aliens, they would look just like stone  spears and wooden arrows. 

 So, if the aliens do come, they better come prepared, because we aren’t.