Working Hard For The Money

in #alivelast month

There are people that are praying for car keys. To own a car in this new year, while there are some people that have already saved more than enough money for it and they’re ready to take the year by the horn and rule it to the best, some have set clear goals and they’re ready to take it to the next level.


Why there are some people who doesn’t even have any plan, The only thing they have in their arsenal is which is, which is.

That will not come true. The Wanted, but they don't know the work to get stories. They can work it out. They cannot drive to go and put go settings properly. Then actions, plans that follow and things that they want in their life. They cannot write it down, visualise it and get it done.

This set of people, they are praying on the mountain. I’m falling under every pastor so that you can Lance on them and pray for them so that they can make the amount of money that they want, while we have some set of people who act as if they don’t even know God at all and they work day and night endlessly, tirelessly to make huge amounts of money.

And there are other sets of people too, who are working at every time. But the result is not yet showing. But I’m so sure of it that one day their result is going to issue and it’s going to blow everyone off their feet.