How I Promote Evergreen And Time-Limited Offers

in #alive26 days ago


Sauntering down the hill from my morning teaching gig, I made this walking talking video to gather my thoughts about a time-limited product launch I've been promoting to my list this week. I also talked about how I go about promoting "evergreen" and "time-limited" offers and what to focus on first if you are just setting out on (or not succeeding in) the online affiliate marketing path...

Here's the video, with edited transcript below:

Edited Transcript

This is the sixth day of the AI Franchise launch week, and what a week it's been - great product, great offer, and a great discount!

If you've bought it, you got a great deal. The price is going up next week, so if you’re still on the fence, there’s still time - grab it while you can.

What I want to talk about today is, what happens after this week is over? What have I learned from this week? And how can we apply these lessons moving forward in online business and affiliate marketing?

Taking Fast Action

First of all, I was able to take fast action, which I think is essential when you're working with a launch - especially a short, six-day, launch. You've got to take immediate action, and you've also got to do more than just show the sales page.

I saw the AI Franchise sales page being promoted on safelists and traffic exchanges, all the usual lazy stuff. I hope you guys who did that got some sales, but here’s the thing: That’s not really the most effective way to use safelists and traffic exchanges.

What you want to be doing on safelists and traffic exchanges is building your list and building your brand. So I didn’t promote AI Franchise directly on those platforms - I just carried on promoting my lead capture pages, getting new people onto my lists.

It was on my mailing list, my YouTube channel, and my blog that I promoted this one-week launch offer. And this structure - this way of doing things - is what I want to get into people's heads.

Building Your List is the #1 Priority

If you don’t have a list, make building a list your number one priority.

If you only have a small list, make growing it your number one priority.

Keep building your list! That means you’ve got to focus on getting safelist credits, whether that’s by paying for them or by clicking for credits.

That’s why I put so much emphasis on lifetime memberships in good-quality safelists and traffic exchanges - but especially safelists. If you get some lifetime memberships, it means you can start leveraging your time and getting more traffic and more bang for your advertising buck.

Promoting Evergreen Products

As you build your list, you have to offer them something. I recommend offering evergreen products and services - things like:

  • Autoresponders
  • Web hosting
  • Traffic services (good deals you’ve found)

Make that the foundation of your autoresponder follow-up series.

That’s what my Get More Sales Marketing Funnel, 100% Commission Funnel, and Traffic Exchange Success Secrets Funnel are all about. I’m showing people the products, services, and tools I actually use to build my business - and these are evergreen.

How to Approach Launches

Once you’ve got all that in place, then you can start looking at launches - new, useful products and services that come onto the market.

That’s where you can build excitement and get extra sales.

If it’s a good product - if it offers good value for money - then that’s what you want to focus on.

How to Use AI Franchise as an Evergreen Product

For those of you who bought AI Franchise through my link, I’ve already made a lead capture page for you!

You can use this product [AI Franchise] not only to boost your efficiency in creating content and drawing customers to you, but also as part of your evergreen funnel - something you can sell and recommend to others.

Even if you didn’t buy through my link, no problem - if you want the lead capture page [sharecode], just drop me a line, and I’ll send it to you.

I don’t think we should keep using the launch email series. I expect that a new set of evergreen emails will be made available, and we’ll use those. If not, we can simply adapt the existing emails to make them evergreen rather than launch-focused.

Look at the product itself, the value it offers, and how it can be a long-term recommendation for others.

How I Used My Blog & YouTube

I used YouTube to make a couple of review videos about AI Franchise. Those videos got me sales through the links in the description.

But I didn’t stop there - I repurposed the videos:

  • Put them on my blog -
  • Sent them as broadcasts to my list
  • Wrote two blog posts about the offer and what I was doing for people who bought through my link

I also built curiosity in the pre-launch period - I didn’t say exactly what was coming, just gave a few hints. This helps create anticipation before the big reveal.

And by the way, folks - don’t hesitate to send more than one email a day during a launch.

You’ve already got your autoresponder follow-up series going out, but you should also be sending broadcasts about what’s happening right now.

It’s a great way to generate extra sales.

And if people don’t like it? They’ll unsubscribe - don’t worry about it! You’ll get more people by continuously promoting your lead capture pages through safelists, traffic exchanges, and other advertising platforms.

Final Thoughts: Be Evergreen!

Get all this in place:

  • Build your list
  • Promote evergreen products
  • Look for exciting one-off launches

It’s a beautiful day today - snow in the air. Up on the hill, the snow was falling, but look how quickly the snow disappears here in Hiroshima!

And that’s exactly what happens with most people’s online businesses.

They try something, it doesn’t work, they give up.

They melt away - just like the snow.

Don’t be like the snow, my friends - be evergreen!


David Hurley