Alive and Thriving Challenge 2/22/2023- Letting Go

in #alive2 years ago


I have recently suffered some emergencies and loss in my life. Thankfully, the clouds are clearing out and life is stabilizing. Letting go and moving forward is something I need to do, and it's key to self-development.

Letting go is something we need to do. I wanted to claw back what I have lost, and the sunk-cost of what I spent and what I worked on was an anchor.

In order to thrive in this life, we need to let things go. The past can be an anchor, and we need to cut that anchor to move forward. We cannot thrive and grow if we feel the tendrels of past obstacles creeping into our lives. Similar to forgiving others for past wrongs, letting go benefits us and allows us to get over a plateau or valley we find ourselves in.

As a homeowner, my house has been under assault from water damage and the elements. I have put the time in to fix all the issues, and I need to accept the loss of capital that was necessary. I need to let go, and I have finally reached this point. This is healthy, and allows me to be setup for thriving after a loss.

Letting go is crucial to growth. You'll hit a certain point in a crisis situation where you throw your hands up after doing everything you could and decide that you will rebuild once the crisis has subsided. This doesn't mean you're going to ignore issues that emerge, but it does mean that you need to preserve your sanity until the storm is over.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Join me as I release daily content for inspiration and personal development.

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