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RE: The United States is NOT a Democracy (Never has been)

in #alive2 months ago

Great post, particularly at this time in our history. In my years as a political activist (District Leader over 42 precincts), I was easily in 200 different homes, over time, in various attempts to find those willing to serve ...

My first question?

"In newspapers / magazines / TV shows (that pretty much covered the options in those pre-Internet days), we often see reference to America being the greatest democracy on earth. Do you agree?"

Sadly ... Not ONE time did I receive anything other than different levels of enthusiasm in saying, "Yes!" Well ...

"America is a republic, not a democracy."

What? The responses ranged all over the place, but it was sad how often I got a response something like:

"Isn't that more or less the same thing? What is the difference?"


Today? The historical fact America is a republic, not a democracy, was at least mentioned, however infrequently, back then, but I almost never hear even a mention of it today.

Very nice (on your other post) to see the State Rep you were canvassing on behalf of was successful! Kudos to you! I hope your children will one day thank you for your efforts, on their behalf.