
in #all8 years ago

Article about healthy lifestyle

The phrase healthy lifestyle has become a familiar – heard any student, it is used by speakers, politicians, teachers, parents.

However, does everyone fully understand what was going on?

The definition of a healthy lifestyle

The very phrase a healthy lifestyle is composed of two concepts: life and health. So let's begin with their definition. Components which includes way of life?

Lifestyle is a General concept and includes:

peculiarities of labor activity (including working conditions);

characteristics of household activities:

the type of dwelling, living conditions, availability of required area, cost, time and effort to the performance of household duties;

satisfaction of the need for rest and recuperation; the volume and severity of duties to care for other people (children, elderly parents, sick relatives, etc.);

the relationship between members of the same family; medical social disposition, including installation on a healthy way of life, attitude to hygienic and medicine;

behavioral characteristics and social status.

Way of life – is not only the result of expression of a particular person.As a rule, a way of life not entirely dependent on the aspirations of the individual.

On the formation of lifestyle is influenced by:

the level and quality of life, usually defined by income and material security;

lifestyle is the result of their own attitudes of man and the influence of his family; way of life, specific to this ethnic group and the existence of a particular state.

Simply put, our lifestyle is influenced by our income, personal units, in our family, as well as generally accepted behaviour patterns.

What is health?

No matter how banal did not think of this question at first glance, there is something to talk about.

The most common understanding of the word "health" is based on the absence of disease. This approach, of course, has a right to exist, but currently it will have to accept outdated and insufficient. The world Health Organization (who), which is an unquestionable authority in matters of health, but the absence of disease the concept of health includes "complete physical, mental and social well-being", as well as the ability and opportunity to "lead a socially and economically productive life."

Will take the liberty to submit a healthy person corresponding to this model: it is an active, positive minded people, like my career, social and family status, which are sufficient to meet the needs of a healthy income.

It will be interesting formula, which was presented by the same experts who determine the importance of factors affecting human health – here's how it looks in chart form.

Thus, about half of the quality of our health depends on our desire to change your lifestyle for the better. Unfortunately, not always in our power to significantly improve their financial well-being, which, as we have seen, influences the lifestyle, but almost any level of income you can make significant progress in strengthening their health.

So, a healthy lifestyle can be defined as behavior based on reasonable scientific standards and aimed at preserving and strengthening health, including the activation of protective forces maintaining a high level of productive activity and the achievement of longevity. Note the clarification regarding sound scientific standards. Despite the fact that these standards are changeable, they are a sure guide.

The inclusion of this reference in the definition of healthy lifestyle is due to the prevalence of various "health programs", created sometimes completely ignorant people and gathers many followers. Unfortunately, often these "programs" lead to the opposite effect – instead of healing the man gets a whole bunch of new health problems.

The urgency of the problem

Why is a healthy lifestyle says it all with great eagerness and awareness of the importance of the problem? There are several major factors that influenced the unfavorable change in the health of modern man. Change of impellent activity of the person. Now to ensure yourself and your family with everything they need not necessarily actively move, as it was a century ago.

Office work, computer technology, automation of production, the movement of the car significantly reduce the human need for movement. Technological and environmental aspects of modern life. The political and military nuances of social life. Peculiarities of psychological status of the modern man.

Increased requirements for human society, lead to an increase in psychological tension. In fact, man is in a constant state of stress that requires the body's limit of stress adaptation mechanisms. Examining the causes of mortality, unwittingly come to the conclusion that a significant part of the diseases from the list of these reasons as a significant risk factor is the violation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Not to be unfounded, at least look for a group of diseases leading causes of death - cardiovascular disease.

Arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease (angina and heart attack) acute cerebrovascular disease (stroke) is the main disease of this group are unfounded improper lifestyle. Overeating, the prevalence in the diet of high-melting fats, lack of exercise, Smoking are confirmed risk factors for the emergence and further development of these States.

Interesting data leads who to the abuse of alcohol: illnesses and injuries related to alcohol consumption each year claim the lives of nearly 2.5 million is more than the total fatalities in armed conflicts and AIDS and tuberculosis.

The most catastrophic situation in Russia and some countries of the former USSR there are about 20% of deaths associated with the abuse of alcohol (cirrhosis, poisoning, vascular catastrophes on the background of alcohol intoxication, alcohol CNS, accidents involving drunk drivers and pedestrians, etc.). Many types of cancer can be safely attributed to poor lifestyle: these include lung cancer (smokers), liver cancer (alcoholism or cardiovascular disease), some localization cancer of the genital organs associated with the human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted. However, despite the evidence all of the above facts, the health situation of the society remains poor.

Why is this happening?

Ignoring problems is a frequent reason for the lack of any interest in the implementation of elementary hygienic norms.

Denying the negative health effects of certain factors. For example, one can often hear the denial of the dangers of Smoking this kind: "my Neighbor smoked all his life and lived to be 80 years." Low motivation and underestimate the importance of your health – a characteristic phenomenon for our compatriots. Excessive employment, which, however, combined with the previous factor, even the busiest person aware of the true value of your health and life, find time for the gym and normalizing their diets.

Low material security

This factor, of course, reduces the possibilities of maintaining a healthy lifestyle (the cost of a number of products, desirable healthy diet, lack of funds to pools, fitness, gym, the inability to allocate funds for tourism, SPA treatments, etc.).

However, in the hands of low-income people are still many simple ways to maintain health – physical activity in the form of home exercises or works in the garden, eating simple healthy foods (beets, carrots, cabbage, vegetable oil, inexpensive varieties of fish, seasonal fruits etc.), organization of recreation in nature.

Components of a healthy lifestyle