TOP 15 Facts

Number (15)
Russians started drinking tea in the 17th century, but because of its high price, it did not become widely popular until the beginning of the 19th century. Tea in Russia has historically been prepared in a samovar, a heated metal container. The samovar keeps tea hot for hours.
Number (14)
Vegetarians can be deficient in Vitamin B12, which only comes from animal sources (though it can also be in fortified yeast extract products). Research suggests that a Vitamin B12 deficiency may be tied to the weakening of bones.
Number (13)
Its easier to remember things with your eyes closed.
Number (12)
Laliophobia – Fear of speaking
Number (11)
In Dubai, Supercars like Ferrari and Lamborghini are used by McDonald's for Mcdelevery and the other are taxi.
Number (10)
Charles Darwin ate almost every animal he discovered.
Number (09)
Sir Isaac Newton at the age of 19, threatened to burn his parents alive.
Number (08)
Though heart disease has dropped among non-diabetic women by 27%, it has actually increased by 23% for women with diabetes
Number (07)
A 2010 Gallup poll found that 31% of those asked said the cloning of animals is morally acceptable. Another 63% said it is morally wrong.
Number (06)
There are enough calories in 217 Big Macs to drive a small car for 88 miles. There are enough calories in 1 piece of cheesecake to light a 60-watt bulb for 1½ hours.
Number (05)
Vegetarianism has roots in ancient India. In fact, currently 70% of the world’s vegetarians are Indians and there are more vegetarians in India than in any other country in the world.
Number (04)
Famous biblical figures purported to be buried in Iran include Esther, Daniel, Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, and St. Thaddaeus.
Number (03)
During Biblical times, shoes were seen as a badge of authority because they lifted a person off the ground, differentiating them from barefoot slaves and serfs. They were used to seal a bargain and fathers would give his son-in-law a pair on the wedding day as symbol of transferring authority.
"Those 3 missing facts is to be disclosed in vain"