Old and new windmills

in #alldutchcreations7 years ago (edited)

On a bicycle tour near Eemnes in the Netherlands I came across this small oldfashioned windmill.

I liked the fact that in the distance on the horizon, there are plenty of the much bigger, electricity producing windmills in the Flevopolder.

The Flevopolder is filled with these windmills.
I Always wonder why they do not cover the soil under the mills with solar panels
This ground is waisted now: because of the noise and constant rotating shadows of the windmills, there can be no houses / people living there or other use for the ground..

Evan cows get nervous from the constant sweeping sound of these giant windmills.


I like the little old windmill, reminds me of the little engine that could by Watty Piper.

I guess you could place solar panels under the windmills as most of the technical equipment is probably already in place. But is the area below useless? I believe the farmers in Norway use the land under the windmills for crop.

Right! there is a lot of land under the mills used for crop, but in other areas, more in the North of Netherlands, there are a lot of fields that contain no windmills and are cropfields or meadows. A growing number of these fields are now turned into solar parks, whereas the people around do not like that a lot: they like more to see cropfields obviously.

But the farmers get more money out of the soil by turning it into solar parks than using it as meadows or cropfields....

At the same time: the fields with the windmills on them are in my opinion more suitable for solar parks because they are not attractive for people to look at or to spend their sparetime.

If they put the solar panels under the mills, the other fields in the rural areas can stay quiet and rural instead of being used as solar parks.

I see your point of view but I always assumed the farmers where happy with the combination as the windmill doesn't take up all that much area and they can harvest crop for their livestock more or less as they used to. But then again a windmill makes a lot of noise and that might be negative for the animals. I support your view even more when it comes to some of the windmill parks they put out on the mountains here in Norway as that area around has to totally useless for anything once they put windmills there.
Like this one: (Picture belongs to Midtfjellet Vindkraft AS)

Link: http://midtfjellet.no/

I took a picture of that once from a distance and if you zoom in a bit on the right you can see them all:


I have Always been a huge fan of clean energy and I Always thought that windmills were one of those sources. But lately I start to question this.

Here in Holland people have made a lot of money by building these wind parks with subsidy ( money given to private companies by the government ) I heard that a lot of windmills are build not to produce clean electricity, but to get hold on thes subsidies....

The maintainance of windmills is a lot more complex and expensive then the maintainance of solar parks I guess.

Aw en deze is nog zo schattig en authentiek op de voorgrond!!

Ik ben het helemaal met je eens om er panelen onder te knallen, hoe meer opwekking hoe beter zou je zeggen toch? (of missen wij het grote plaatje hiero)

What language is this?????


Eum,, i've try to translate in google, but I have no understanding.. Would like to tell me in english??

I think, it is an icon in your country.. It wonderful.

Zo dus je was bij mij in de buurt? Ik ben je misschien wel voorbij gereden richting m'n werk ;-)

Eén ding uit je berichtje snap ik niet helemaal.
Wat leveren zonnepanelen op onder die windmolens? Het geluid wordt er niet minder door........ en de schaduw ook niet.....
Maar ik weet dan ook niks van de werking van die witte reuzen...

Nou omdat die grond onder die windmolens dus nergens anders voor gebruikt kan worden, en allerlei mensen en actiegroepen ertegen zijn dat er stukken land in o.a. Groningen worden "verpest" door er zonneparken van te maken voor het opwekken van ( de schoonste vorm van) energie die er is, zou het een goed idee zijn om die zonneparken te plaatsen op plekken die toch al "verpest"zijn.

meerdere vliegen in 1 klap: de infrastructuur voor het elektriciteits transport is er al, de ruimte op plaatsen waar nu agrarische grond is , hoeft niet te worden onttrokken, en nogmaals: land dat al "verpest"of in ieder geval is aangetast door die windmolens wordt dubbel benut voor de productie van schone energie.

verdubbelde opbrengst per hectare

Oh aha nu snap ik je.
Ik vind die windmolens ook geen gezicht en helemaal mee eens dat dat aan alle kanten benut moet worden ja. Op jouw foto zie je ook die hele rij windmolens die richting Almere staan. Ik rij er regelmatig langs en ben best onder de indruk van die grote jongens en de herrie die ze maken. En dan ben ik slechthorend nota bene.
Maar dan ben ik een beetje blond 😉 waarom gebeurt dat niet dan?
Ze willen die windmolens overal. Ook aan de kust in de zee. Zijn ook actiegroepen mee bezig.

What language is this?? I dont get the point.

this is my favorite edition ... nature ..!,the meadow and the windmill are so beautiful.the bike tour there would have been great fun...thank to sharing..

I am also do my bicycle tour on a regular basis... and exploring my country