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RE: Witness Update (22.7331) - Pick a great Steem Frontend - Please vote Community Witnesses - SteemWallet Apps back.

in #allforsteem5 years ago

When I got the news of the hostile centralised take-over I was flabbergasted

But you guys were the ones who made the centralized take over of a legitimately owned Stake?
He just took steps to protect himself from your hostility


It was not an ordinary Steem stake that Sun could do with what he liked. It was a stake bound by all sorts of legally binding representations by Steemit Inc to which Justin Sun was legally bound.
For details see these posts:

I had a look at your link and dont see anything that i would call a legally binding agreement between parties. I see an expression of a plan of action made by Ned. I did not bother to look closely at the Dan posts as the claim so far has been the 'promise' was made by Ned.

Did I miss the signed agreements that have been claimed?

I have looked at many links none have delivered the goods so far.

From your comments you are obviously not a lawyer.
I am a very experienced lawyer and litigator. These sorts of representations can become legally binding in many ways, via contract or operation of laws against misrepresentation etc.

Glad to know that you're a lawyer. In the conference held between Sun and the witnesses he repeatedly stated that he knew of no such agreements and that if anyone was liable it was Ned. I got the sense that e was "playing stupid".

Ah good I may need a good lawyer one day : )

I still have not seen any promise or agreement between parties even !

Surely even a Professional litigator would need to provide evidence of the claims made? in this case an agreement or promise as stated by multiple witnesses.

If i am being dense please persist and point directly at the promise or agreement.
Something more substantial than Ned saying 'well the plan is....'

Now I am thinking about it, even if a signed agreement between parties did surface, that would still not clear the hostile actions taken against Justin Suns Stake. He had not violated anything.

You probably can't afford me. :-)
The legal definition of a contract is far broader than a signed agreement. All that is required for a contract to form is offer, acceptance and consideration. Contracts can be formed many ways including verbally and by course of conduct as well as by a combination of many written documents.
If there are contracts that bind Steemit Inc then Justin is bound by them in his use of the ninjamined stake because Steemit Inc, not Justin Sun, owns it.

So your claim is that Ned made at least one public statement regarding his plans (Neds word), now that is a contract? That would appear to be a very hard sell depending on Judge of course.
Mind you, I must admit that just about anything is possible in the injustice system. I have seen a high court Judge proclaim that a specific piece of evidence did not exist. Luckily for us he did not stick with the case right through and we got the ruling overturned.

Let’s just don’t have the same discussion, shall we? They had to do it. Period.

No they were under no compulsion to freeze his Stake.

If you do not mind and you have some time, please do take some time of my narration of ninja stakes in a story form maybe you will understand clearer why the witnesses tried so hard to protect it.

Feel free to comment and ask questions, maybe it is time the community is more educated in this.

Thanks for the link to your story @littlenewthings I will read it later.
I am not completely ignorant of the politics of Steemit and Steem.

If someone can show me the illusive signed agreements that have been claimed I would be very happy. However that would still not give the witnesses involved in this hostility against Justin Sun a free pass.
If we look at the facts on the ground, when Sun took control of the top twenty witnesses (for a short time) I was seeing complaints that he did not even inderstand how to do the updates lol
This should let us all know he did not plan to take control of the top 20 witnesses. He was forced to take action to protect his Stake.

This situation is not helpful for anyone who cares about Steem. We will be reaping the negative consequences of this for a long time.

What should the witnesses have done? Waited and let this happend either way? They tried to get in contact with him, with no response x)
So they did what they felt was necessary to protect the chain :)

Keep in mind, it has a soft fork so he could vote for witnesses. He could still use it for delegations and other activities on the chain :)

Thanks for that @cwow2
where could i find verification that he still had access to the stake in question for the purposes of 'delegations and other activities on the chain'
I was under the impression that the Stake was frozen.

Dear @asimpleman.

Softfork222 was after deliberate discussions implemented amongst a supermajority because:

  1. The status quo about the Steemit stake had become more of a risk, since no contact was returned and answers were given.
  2. Mixed PR publication from new Steemit Inc owners did not indicate they were going to honour the liabilities coming with the Steemit stake in question.

Softfork222 had always been earmarked as a temporarily measurement. It was a though decision to make.

In a softfork one cannot freeze accounts. The keys to the accounts are still valid and the account could certainly perform many of the operations of the steem blockchain software. For example the creation of new accounts was still possible. The operations blocked were carefully chosen to just maintain the status quo of the special stake and it's usage.

Then the majority of witnesses ran software which prevented certain operations for the given accounts to be executed. Mind you... anyone could unvote those witnesses at any given time and have other witnesses voted in who didn't run that specific version 22.2. But no, many more votes poured in on the witnesses running 22.2.

Then the 22.5 take over with customer funds via exchanges happened and 22.2 was undone.

I listened to the @msp-waves / @mspwaves for 4 hours on monday, not sure if that live stream is out yet :D
I think they talked about it, I dont know if its in any article, but thats how I understood it.

The only threat was the voting of witness, him delegating for project or SPS wasn't a threat as far as I understand

Agreed. Everyone acted emotionally, including Sun's retaliation. I wish everyone will take a step back and breathe.

Token Swap

So the ability to swap tron for Steem and Steem for tron (which I understand was being called an atomic swap? ) is a bad thing? why is that ?

That was a non voting stake ... understand that

@asimpleman is to dumb to understand this

@onealfa Am I really dumb or do i just like to do my own thinking ?

I think we first need to explain to @asimpleman how the PROXY works :)

I know how the proxy works but i dont understand what the significance to you?
Why are you showing me this?

Gues why :)

You want to go to war bitch? You got it... FUCK YOU STEEM NAZIs

Guess why
Steemit Inc. (The “Company”), is a private company that helps develop the open-source software that powers, including steemd. The Company may own various digital assets, including, without limitation, quantities of cryptocurrencies such as STEEM. These assets are the sole property of the Company. Further, the Company’s mission, vision, goals, statements, actions, and core values do not constitute a contract, commitment, obligation, or other duty to any person, company or cryptocurrency network user and are subject to change at any time.

ah @outlinez i think i get it, are you pointing out the when the accounts were created?

No, I'm pointing you are wrong "did anyone use it for voting? No they did not." JS uses it for voting. When these accounts were unfrozen they delegate they power to dev365 to vote for witnesses

I get it. However times lines and sequence of events are a critical factor in determining what happened and why.

I do understand that !
so what ? did anyone use it for voting? No they did not.

@asimpleman Why do you post a complete LIE?
Go and enjoy your votes on the sock puppets, socker

Yes, he is probably a sock puppet.

@joeyarnoldvn are you calling me a sock puppet? : )

Well, are you?

What you expect me to vote for people who are harming the platform by bringing it into disrepute ?
and what are you talking about posting a complete lie lol
That would be a very cold day in hell.

Ah do you think Justin Sun used that Stake to vote witnesses ?
If so you are mistaken, no harm in making a mistake

No, I don't.
He used it as a bribe, to reward his allies for their dirty work. I'm not one of those who enjoy seeing someone betting AGAINST ME by using MY personal funds. (Obviously, you are?)

Ah I just clicked to what you are talking about.
The exchanges! yep that sucks big time. How much of yours do they still have?