sir ecoinstant--steem at 13 cents! ha! well people are telling me that the situation that we're in now happened almost exactly at this time last year, same price then went up in value pretty quickly.
I still gotta read that article that you resteemed, I'll probably resteem it as well.
The best thing you are doing is to talk to everybody! A wide range of opinions you must be getting right now! After this week I will go back and read your comment feed maybe ;p
what? my comment feed? now that would be very boring indeed. lol. God bless you sir.
God Bless you Jonboy! You are 53 rep now! They come slower now, but you are still making very good progress here.
I just thought I'd see what it is that you talk about. Often I peek in on others I find funny jokes or learn something new.
ok I understand. hey do you know about bull riders? that post I did yesterday has the most stunning photos of cowboys flying through the air!
it should win an award for the photos alone! even though I didn't take them myself but I did find them, that should count for something. lol
Hey where do you go to find such great photos? I mostly take pictures myself because I don't want to be accused of stealing, but it comes with its own challenges. For example I can't write about bull riders.....
what do you mean you can't write about bull riders? all you have to do is go to some rodeos if you want your own photos! lol.
I just put in free photos of bull riders and most of those were from a Wyoming newspaper or the website rodeotimes.
I thought you were calling it in for the night? it's hard to do when you got all those people replying to you isn't it? lol. it's a blast.
Now I have a two day backlog on my replies! I really think this is a great platform, great community, with so much potential, that is why I see the time spent as an investment, which is on top of it being educational, edifying and entertaining.
We'll have to head out to Wyoming one of these days!