Yeeeeeeaha!! Hello there!
#deutsch unten
I just found out about your project through
(Oh, wow, it is not even available there, as 35 is the most recent by now. I'm sure this will be updated very soon. I use Spottify to listen to the recent episodes, if not through youtube, as #36 is already available through means like or through means like prompt cash, as documented at )
And before I ended listening to your Episode with Jeremy I wondered what the Wave Blockchain is and whether you knew about and the Hive-Engine.
While diving into your website for getting my hands wet with Wave I found your Hive blog through the text at your home page at So you already know. At least in some extend. Great!
As I love the #BCH community backed tokens, I immediately felt the urge to make this note and even invite @minismallholding here - not to a rescue here this time - but just to address our curiosity on what is going on in our communities that might interleave. !invest_vote !PUREWATER !FRESHAIR !LOVE and !popcorn
PS: After optimizing my English with the help of a machine translation into German (which I did not discard, but copied here), I will now have a closer look at Wave.
Yeeeeeeeeaha!! Hallo zusammen! Ich habe gerade über von eurem Projekt erfahren.
(Oh, wow, es ist nicht einmal dort verfügbar, denn 35 ist bisher das Neueste. Ich bin sicher, dass dies sehr bald aktualisiert werden wird. Ich benutze Spottify, um mir die neuesten Folgen anzuhören, wenn nicht über youtube, wie #36 bereits über Kanäle wie verfügbar ist oder über Wege wie Prompt Cash, wie auf dokumentiert)
Und bevor ich Eure Episode mit Jeremy zu Ende hörte, fragte ich mich, was die Wave Blackchain ist und ob Ihr etwas über und die Hive-Engine wisst.
Beim Stöbern auf Eurer Website, um mich mit Wave vertraut zu machen, fand ich Euren Hive-Blog durch den Text auf Eurer Homepage Ihr wisst also schon davon. Zumindest in gewissem Umfang. Toll!
Da ich die von der #BCH-Community unterstützten Token liebe, verspürte ich sofort den Drang, diese Notiz zu machen und sogar @minismallholding hierher einzuladen - diesmal nicht zur Rettung - sondern nur, um unsere Neugierde anzusprechen und was in unseren Gemeinschaften vor sich geht, die sich möglicherweise verflechten.
PS: Nachdem ich mein Englisch grad anhand einer Maschinenübersetzung in Deutsches optimierte (die ich nicht verwarf, sondern sogleich hier her kopierte), werde ich mir nun Wave mal genauer ansehen.
Hello anli and thanks for the reply! I have yet to really look into the hive tokens but I will investigate that link you sent me for the Tribaldex, thanks! The Waves blockchain has been able to host the Allodium Appreciation Tokens with minimal complications and bugs, so I've no complaints regarding it. Still though, I would like to reach out to more resonant communities like on Bitcoincash and Hive, I just get overwhelmed with all the different platforms! Any help with either, like that link you sent is appreciated!
So nice to meet you again in an interview with a fellow content creator. Here is another back-link
Hey there! Everything is kind of proof of work in this regard after all, yes. I took a deep look into waves and first was enthusiastic when I saw BCH being a good way in. Though I got discouraged when I saw the withdrawal fees. I wonder why that is. It's a one way street. And I don't like one way streets if I can expect to sink what I sent.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to learning more every day as well.