May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and Joy. Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness; may it be yours this season and throughout the coming year. Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work and Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all for this Christmas. May you also feel God's presence and experience the wonders of His abiding love as He guides you through each day. Have a happy, wonderful and blissful celebration. MERRY CHRISTMAS. !!
Is Christmas a devilish celebration not from God?
Christmas IS NOT Christian doctrine. It is a command of a man.The first Christmas celebration was in the year 336 AD when the Roman Emperor, Constantine, converted nverted the celebration of a pagan mass to mark the winter solstice which glorified European deities. That festival was marked on December 25.
If satan asks any true Christian to celebrate a pagan satanic ritual festival, they will never do it. So he just transformed a satanic ritual festival by giving it a new name-Christmas and voila, Christians begin to celebrate what Jesus did not command us to celebrate.
Christmas is an abomination and a blasphemous festival and the Bible warned us about it in 1 Timothy 4:1 that:
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”
Let me ask you a question. If Jesus and the Bible don’t teach Christmas, from where and who does it come from?'
1.The issue is: is it the specific date (25th) that makes it satanic or the fact that Christ's birthday was chosen to be marked and celebrated on the 25th of december, which happened to be a pagan worship day?
Now this takes us to a very important question: who creates a new day, who makes it possible for the you to live to every 25th is it satan or God who is the father of our lord Jesus to whom we worship and celebrate?
I would say that for you to believe that it is an abomination and blasphemous to celebrate in a day created by God, you believe the comtrary that satan made the 25th and mot God.
You see, refering you back to 1 Timoth 4:1,, as quoted "in the later days some men like you will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demonds!"
So please from where does does your trachings come from?
Please reach out to John 21:25 not everything is recorded in the bible!!! Peter was the rock and Christ built his church on the rock, the church was given the authority to propagate the gospel and it includes mapping out a day to celebrate him and that is what true Christians are doing today!!!
2.Christmas is a festival like no other
No other religion has such a time as Christmas.
What it celebrates is not a doctrine, or an
obligatory observance, or traditional ritual. It is a
spontaneous burst of hilarious joy coming from a
revelation of the wonderful, glorious, God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a God He
must be to be ‘the God and Father of Jesus!’ And
what a Son He is! What a Savior! The LORD
Jesus Christ is whatever we read of the LORD our
God. ‘Be glad in the Lord and rejoice!’ Have a
wonderful Christmas! You may as well – God
wants you to have it. God bless you.
3., there are some things Christians do not cos they are in the Bible but cos of the early church had a consensus about it. The Bible says whatever you( the church or Christians) agreed on earth is agreed in Heaven. Yes, Christmas day replaced one of d Jewish cultural day celebration cos according to the history I had it was very difficult to convert those idol worshippers in those days so d church then started replacing some of those their idol worship with events that happened in the Bible with the aim of wipping away the idols and making them feel welcomeD naming ceremony Christians do at 8 days is a Jewish culture but cos Christ was named on d 8th day though His name had already be known, Christians decided to adopt it too. The 3days Christ resurrected is not equal to 72hrs but Jewish time of calculating days.
In conclusion, Paul the apostle state it clearly in Rom 14:6: "He who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God." what Paul is saying is that if you believe that a particular day(Christmas) is special than others days. There is nothing wrong with that and if you do not believe too. You are in the right track. Everyone should do as his believe and conscience tell him. Thank you. You are free to add your opinion!!! So we learn from it.
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