I started reading, and I was like, 'wait is this about N. K. Jemisin's tweet, I think I saw that exchange...'
It's definitely important to distinguish intent from impact. I like the "treading on someone's foot" analogy for explaining this one—if you step on someone's foot, hopefully, your instinctive reaction is to say sorry, rather than explaining that the person's foot shouldn't hurt because you didn't mean to step on it. Same idea applies to intent in these sort of instances.
Thanks for your usual succinct explanation of a basic but important allyship issue.
Yup. That's exactly the tweet.
And yes, indeed to the rest.
That is a GREAT analogy about stepping on someone's foot!
Thanks, though I can't take credit for it. I wish I could find the blog post that I originally read it on—I'd very much like to cite them, but it was years ago, and despite the theoretically eternal nature of the internet, I can't seem to rustle it up...