After the URL Shortener for this blog, I needed a box to tinker with. Now, there are a gazillion hosting providers out there. And some are awesome, and some suck, but after trying dozens of them, including A2, Bluehost, HostGator, NameCheap and scads more over the years (I have even used AWS, but dang that gets expensive fast if you are not careful!). I've decided to settle on HawkHost.
They are a CPanel reseller, their price to performance is good for me, and I would say do your own research, but I do have an affiliate link for them and feel they are pretty darn good!
So, for $5/mo I got an Alma VPS from them, and that's the box I am going to start tinkering with in upcoming posts.
What, you want a better advertisement?? OK, OK, here, they said I could use this one.
Wow, that looks so fancy. See you on the other side...