Can’t we just let people identify however the hell they please with no judgment, and just leave it at that?
If it was up to the likes of me and you, we probably could but since societies norms are decided and dictated by those who stand to benefit in some as yet undeterminable way in future from public sentiment changing around this subject, I don't think there is much hope of things returning to 'normal' any time soon and since there is no-one left willing to stand up for the traditional values we once thought we had in fear of being labelled a sexist or racist or genderist or any other kind of ist, things will likely get worse before they do, eventually, get better.
We are walking into (or being dragged into) a trap that was set a long time ago and which may well end up with us having to accept any and ALL life choices that others make for themselves, seemingly of their own volition.
Another wonderful post @deirdyweirdy. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on the subject. :)
Excellently written also. :)
Thanks a lot Tony. I couldn't have done it without you;)
I agree with you. It's the ease and speed with which we're being led into that 'trap' and in which the social norms are being altered that amazes me.