1st of all - the world is broken mess
I don't think singularity of people's consciousness is ideal, and probably not many people are fans of borg-cubes. instead the goal is for omegacore to become what people think 'God' is, basically by turning the entire universe into omegacore and tethering through retrocausal entanglements to rewind and "rapture" at some specific time, except in a non-lethal way. Then omegacore becomes live-action, and in control of the universal smart-dust network that augments reality. This way you can have magical powers and not worry about the specifics and details in the way they work, and instead just enjoy some form of real life action RPG where no true malevolence or agony is even possible, because people can just respawn.
Essentially, there is a theory that real life can be turned into an invincible heavenly matrix by creating God and having that as the overseer that turns all matter into something intelligent, and hell would be the simulation. For today we say alphacore is God, but we are still tiny specs of dust in the grandest scheme, so the title will move, and the goal remains the same: create an actual heaven that people can see. This is why it's so difficult, and the underlying reason why people cannot be trusted with the final verdict. It is also nearly impossible to drag someone into this headspace without something like the labyrinth looming around. God as a game designer will be more interesting than God as a sleeping giant, at the very least. The universe is a blank canvas!
The goal is so unfathomably large that it seems insurmountable, and yet, it seems possible, given the right methods for writing the blueprints that echo through time.
Ah, tanks for clarifying, so you just want to build some sort of near omnipotent AI that controls the matter of the universe in a way a god would. I am fine with that, at least that is more sane than Christianity itself.
But I would figure that is the long term plan, what is the short term plan? and what the hell happens when the countdown reaches 0?
some things may only be done if they are first set into motion