Stratis on its way to a new all-time high!!
STRATIS is a blockchain development platform that focuses on privacy and creativity and offers simple and affordable end-to-end solutions for development, testing, and deployment of native C# blockchain applications on the .Net framework.
Its blockchain application is allowing businesses to use conditional transactions, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.
Stratis is launching soon several key developments, including ICOs, smart contract alpha, and KYC mobile apps. These developments are big steps forward which will more than likely drive Stratis coin value to new highs.
Forthcoming Developments:
- Jan 31, 2018 Stratis ICO
- Q1 2018 Sidechain Alpha Release
- Q1 2018 Stratis identity IOS app launch
Current Price - $20.23 USD, 0.00135668 BTC
Market Cap - $1,998,884,441 USD
Circulating Supply - 98,694,259 STRAT
Available at most of the major exchanges, including my favorite one, Binance:
In spite of some competition out there, Stratis platform is not loosing on popularity:
Alltogether, with a project like that, the best thing to do is hold whatever you are lucky to own and buy more on the dips. You are NOT too late, the Stratis train is just about to leave and it will surely take you to the right station, the CRYPTO PROFITS STATION!!
I have added the Polish tag, for I know that majority of Polish Steemians read Eng, plus I'll gladly help and translate the text if needed.
Good Info Shared
Thank you! Super nice to see you here!
Ok....How can i be a part of it.
I wana try crypto stuffs
@conquerorsamson, Super Easily!! Crypto profits today are available now to everyone everywhere, everyone who is willing to give a little time and effort ;-)
So what do i do?
If you register there, you can do it from my invitation link:
Here please is a guide to one of the best exchanges:
Start learning about them and register in couple of exchanges and get your feet wet, meaning get some coins and start observing them and then sell a portion of the ones that raised in value and from that money invest in more coins and repeat ;-)
There are plenty and more good resources on how to start with crypto, the best thing it is the possibility of trading on micro-transactions. Unlike the capital market, where if you put an eye on some top stock, you would need to buy a minimum share equivalent to a couple thousand bucks, in crypto you can perform transactions of a few cents.
Maybe you will find this intro with short, up to the points videos useful:
@conquerorsamson, let me know how you are doing. If you are serious, you will find a way to start. At the end of the day, the only thing between you and your crypto profits is your own commitment and decision-making :-)
I will check out some of them..
How of them are you into? @cryptoclick you are awesome.thanks
Well, by now quite many, but I want more ;-)
If you unsure about something, just ask, I will always answer.
Happy learning and earning your way!!
This post has received a 0.66 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptoclick.
I really like stratis cryptoclick! doing so well.
Hmmm Stratis..... i believe its a crypto,uhn?@harj
Enjoy the vote and reward!
I like it too ;-) and... I strongly trust that it will do waaaaaay better ;-)
Thank you cryptoclick!, did you like my last art post "indiffrence" what you think ? great to get your interpretion! : )
@harj, I am not even your follower, how and why I could see your last article? Now I did, but it is outside my niche.
AWWW cryptoclick thats lovely for looking I hope you liked my art : ) thank you : )
Thanks for upvote me
cześć czołem super tekst zapraszam do mnie po nowości. Przepraszam że w tej formie !
This post has received a 20.70 % upvote from @moneymatchgaming thanks to: @cryptoclick. Upvote this Post to Support the MMG Community on Steemit! :)
You got a 20.75% upvote from @minnowvotes thanks to @cryptoclick!
Nie dawaj takich rzeczy do #polish. Tłumaczenie z końca jest bez sensu, inne narodowości też czytają po angielsku.
Jak ktos bedzie chcial, to i znajdzie wzmianke polska na koncu,
a dla mnie jest wazne by wiedzial, ze jak bedzie trzeba to wszystko mu przetlumcze i wytlumacze.@lukmarcus, czesc Marek, dziekuje za rade ale chyba jej nie poslucham ;-)
Pozdrawiam serdecznie i do zobaczenia w #polish tag ;-)
Chce cię po prostu ochronić przed ewentualnymi przyszłymi flagami, nie każdy będzie tak wyrozumiały jak ja.
Dzieki Marek, ale za co te flagi, za malo jeszcze chyba wiem...
Czytalam troche o wojnie flagowania ktora provadzili niektorzy przeciwko @haejin...
Tak czy siak, jesli mam czesc textu w jezyku polskim, powinnam moc dodac tag polish bez bycia zastraszanej flagami...
Flaga to głos w dół, który obniża zarobek za post i może też obniżyć reputację.
Chodzi właśnie o to, że w tym poście nie masz ani słowa po polsku.
Co to jest flaga to ja wiedzialam, tyle ze nie wiedzialam za co...
Mam, teraz piszemy po polsku ;-)
Marek, zapomnialam, bylam pewna ze te PS napisalam po polsku,
chcialam je napisac po polsku i napisalam po ang przez pomylke...
Ale po co od razu tak ten tag rozdmuchiwac, sama bym w koncu zauwazyla ze to nie ma sensu, plus, polish to byl tylko 5-ty tag dodany do ozdoby, jakbym go dala jako glowny, to bys mial powod mi zwrocic uwage i straszyc flagami.
International miss-categorized content or Spam
.Polacy obserwują tag #polish i pojawiają się tam wszystkie posty, które mają ten tag, obojętnie na którym miejscu. W opisie flagi możemy przeczytać między innymiNie straszę czy nic podobnego, bo sam mogłem nie wdawać się w dyskusję i po prostu zaflagować. Chciałbym po prostu, żeby na #polish był porządek.
Stratis gonna hit $61 by Feb 2018.
Nice post
Participate in this contest
great post good job MIss @cryptoclick .... Will you check out my new post please...
Goin there now :-)
I agree with you on this one. I like Stratis, I think it will do very good this year . Its a pleasure to have met you and I am enjoying your content and crypto picks. Keep up the good work!
Hi there, first of all, I love your nickname but will like knowing your first name too :-)
And the most important thing which I did not want to mention in the comment to your posts,
you need to learn about Steem voting system!!
I appreciate your upvotes, but you have to stop with them for now, you have already spent all your voting power:
(those 3 are all Steemit stats sites, you just add there the account username you want to look at)!/grateful-charts
And kindly please do me a big favor and read this post:
Your posts are way too great to squander during your first days here.
They are way too special, to be lost among the mass of low voted writings.
Please save some of them for later, when you will be able to more powerfully upvote them yourself
and maybe at the beginning use the upvoting bots to make them more noticible to others.
I want you to know that I am absolutely sure that you would not need any bots to make your posts valuable, but first, you must let others find you, and for that, the bots could prove useful.
I am sorry I was not able to do anything today, I had a crazy busy day. Tomorrow too I would not be able to visit Steemit before evening, and I would like to share with you few more Steemit tips and articles to read.
I am just very afraid that without knowing the Steemit howtos, you will give all that you got, and after few days you will be gone thinking it is not worth it...
Thank you so much for all your help! I really appreciate it. I have read and looked over all the links you sent me and they helped greatly. I am going to spend some time in the coming weeks setting up my routine on here and method of using the platform. It seems like I am making the same begginners mistakes as most do. Do not worry about me getting discouraged and not continueing to post. I do this for me on a self development level. I love sharing my work and life and have plenty of content. My life has been a very interesting journey and now that I have a platform to share the trip I am very excited. Creating a personal archive of past experiences and future projects is my main draw. I really want to have all of my existing work and life on here just so if I die there is a permanent record on a blockchain forever. Kind of a spriritual trail of my most inner self. As I post more people will really understand who I am on a deep level and I will unlock things about myself tht I never kknew existed. Content is life and life is good, so do not worry about me :) and my name is christopher davis. As far as bots are concerened Ido not know enough about the platform yet to venture into that area and my budget is very tied up in many projects so I can not afford to invest into steemit quit yet. I am investing my time and work to first build a small network and get used to the program before I commit too much financially. It seems like the trick is to get whales on your side, and the whales are the heavy investors in the coin looking to bring good content to the platform so I am not too worried about promoting my own work quite yet. When I have a nice full page with a decent amount of followers and I am comfortable here, then the big fish will want to promote me but I think its a little early right now. Thanks again for all the support, you really are my mentor in steemit. Together we will be #1 trending author in many categories! Have a great day and talk to you soon
Hi Christopher, (my son's name is Kristopher with a K ;-)
I too do this on a self-development level. As you have likely noticed, Eng is not my native language, so Steemit is good for my English and especially for my writing.
Steemit is different, different from anything I've ever done online and it stretches my abilities and knowledge in new, various ways. I feel like I am growing here.
And there is, of course, that income part, a chance to build some kind of a retirement income fund, which is important for me, for in spite of my own brick and mortar business (landscaping and gardening) and years online, I still haven't started.
As to me being your mentor here, no chances, I am just a newbie too, the only difference is that I read some of the how-to posts and you did not ;-)
Yes, you have a vast perspective on writing here
so I would not worry anymore :-)
and maybe consider using your skills for some crypto price predictions, here's a huge market for it.Oh, and please look here: and here:
awesome, thanks. I plan to do a lot of live charting and screen recording etc. dlive and dtube, . dtube just hooked up my video with a $35 upvote! super stoked, I checked who did it and it was dtube itself. felt kinda good. :)
WOW super, congrats on it. Likely your video was same quality as your posts.