Urine therapy is alternative medicine. In ancient time, it is practiced by many people who are in the medicinal field and health field.
As we know that, when we born in mother's womb, there is automatically made milk in our mother's breast. Is n't it surprise? so this is natural. Is anyone doubts about this event, how formed milk in mother itself and why. but no one raises this question, all answers are this is nature, this is true and etc.
As I know that there are many things which are treating diseases in your body.such as Doctor, jyotis, dhamijhakri, etc which they are doing differently their own principle.
Like as these many things which are gifted us for our life.This is also another gifted from nature. Also, we know that there is cow's urine in many chronic diseases.
Urine analysis and research show that our own urine and the cow's urine contain similar valuable protein: creatine, urea-N, urea, calcium, potassium, magnesium,ammonia-N,chlorid-N/10 Acid and other vitamins and hormones which are the vital importance of body and health.
Image source: Google
Nice Thank you 💜