Kinesiology and Dream

in #alternative7 years ago (edited)

I fell onto recently, the idea of kinesiology again. When I say I fell onto, it usually means the Creator and High Level beings that work with humans have guided me towards something and this time it was muscle testing. Now I've done it before and wanted to be able to use it on myself, not have someone else do it. I went to YT years ago to find something on it and only found one method that frankly did not work for me and I got very inconsistent answers. Now here it is again and I found many ways to test myself.
It also became obvious that the YouTube search engine is not effective on this subject and better to follow links of other videos till you find some.
I also noticed this time, that you really have to be clear in your mind the questions you have or be able to touch it with your hand. That seemed to make a huge difference on the results you get. If you say one thing, but think something else, your body will give you inconsistant answers I noticed.
I used it to narrow down good areas for me to live in the USA. And the results were alittle surprising. Nowhere West of the Great Plains and even parts of the Great Plains. Nowhere. This only makes sense to me in one way. I have been getting uneasy feelings everytime I think of moving West, where I would rather be, but it seems that now, that whole thing and land mass has changed for me. I also measured what I call potency. So that even if I get a positive towards something, I would measure potency of that place. Often this was helpful as the state I live in now is just normal potency (around 700 , more or less). I could stay here, but it would not be the most Divine place for me. I learned that some areas I was looking at were ok for me to live, but the potency was way down. Likely not fulfilling. I even tested for my roomies one state to see if it was good for them and it was, but not for me. Interesting.
Long story short Nebraska and South Dakota were the best places. I could live Michigan(900 potency), W. Virginia(700-800), mountains between Maine and New York State(low potency), but as you can see, potency is not good for some and I can't handle the Michigan winters.
I've never been to South Dakota and only driven thru Nebraska, when I was young and got a speeding ticket for going 70mph! hahahahaha!

And I decided to go to sleep to some money affirmations. I figure I'd do it for several days or more and see what happens. First thing that happened is, I had a dream.
Dream: I was pulling some kind of gunk out of my nose. I pulled alittle more and wondered if I kept pulling would it hurt? But I noticed that it did not hurt and I had the mindset that I needed to pull out what was in there, I somehow knew it was not supposed to be in there. So I pulled and pulled and all kinds of stuff came out and a small brain with nerves attached and other gross stuff. I got it all out and I felt like I had accomplished something I'd be waiting my whole life to get rid of. I was quickly looking for a place to get rid of it and as I was practically running to a trashcan , someone tried to stop me , but I bypassed them and just kept on going. I woke up.
Very interesting.