Removing Myself from the Matrix - 9 Ways I'm Surviving in an Urban Jungle

in #alternative8 years ago (edited)

I have always known the world we live in is a little off. That is to say, I have always seen us having the potential to live a much more harmonious life without war and being able to share the planet as opposed to competing for resources. I live in an Urban City, Los Angeles, and want to share how I am adapting and changing in response to what I see as the new consciousnesses that is sweeping over the planet. I believe this is a spirit of freedom, of not wanting to be lorded over, taxed, and pursuing happiness and prosperity on our own terms. I will not get into the federal government, the mass mind control, false flags and the illusion of an enemy that wants to destroy us. There is a ton out there with a simple YouTube search. My focus is on how I can affect the changes in my own life and as a result affect the whole.

These are the 9 steps I have taken over the years that have improved my reality immensely.

  1. I have not had cable television in over five years. I get my news from the internet. I Try to talk to my neighbors and leave my smartphone at home for periods of time.
  2. I have animals, rescue dogs that are pure love. I would have more and some goats and chickens but I am not zoned for it.
  3. I spend time in nature as much as possible. Luckily LA has wonderful Parks and beaches to surf and hike.
  4. I am vegetarian based on principle of non-cruelty to animals. Try to eat organic and stay away from GMO's. ( I love cheeseburgers and salami but decided to give them up )
  5. I have as much as possible removed myself from the banking system and have no debt. I still have a bank account and fiat dollars because I still need them for business.
  6. I have tried to diversify my portfolio in precious metals, crypto currencies and tangible assets. I have my ear to the ground for new technologies and businesses that are emerging and redefining the world and how we conduct commerce free of big brother.
  7. I have a small garden, and food and water reserves just in case there is a disruption in the supply chain. I am not a "doom and gloomer" but with the way they are printing dollars anything could happen.
  8. Meditation, yoga, exercise, being creative, and lots of sleep. I try to spend some time everyday shutting my brain down. The benefits are endless. Even five minutes can make a huge difference in relieving stress. Likewise writing, drawing, playing music or just doing push ups can change your whole outlook instantaneously.
  9. I try to practice non-aggressive forms of conflict resolution. Anger, hatred, yelling, screaming and violence have always turned me off. By remaining calm when others are aggressive you have power over the situation and this allows the other person to return to themselves. I am not perfect I do get mad but try to become aware of the emotion and detach from it so it does not control me.

I'd love to hear other people's experiences and ways they are prospering in these times we are living in. I am blown away by the amazing things occurring in art, commerce and social media that are redefining the world and forming a better reality for us to share. We are more connected now than ever!

Peace and prosperity to all!


I heard on TruthNeverTold that "The world is getting crazy but my world doesn't need to be". Your story reminded me of that. Good stuff.

Yes, it is hard to maintain balance when everything is topsy turvy. Glad it reached you. I have to work at it everyday.