POTD - Homeschooling Plants

in #altyes5 years ago

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Assigning Homework to the Plants ~ Taking Homeschool to the Next Level | PeakD
Any serious gardener knows that the trick to happy, he... by freedomtowrite

Source: https://peakd.com

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Ya, you probably are reading that title like, what the hell? If you can plant your child down in a chair long enough to learn a few things during this plantdemic, then you should be able to follow along with what @freedomtowrite does to teach her plants how to become honor roll college students. Wonder if maybe the next time my kids play in the mud if I should wad up some nespaper articles and throw it in there with em, HA! Good read though my peoples, go check out Stacie's 'Assigning Homework to the Plants ~ Taking Homeschool to the Next Level', you won't regret it.


This was a great surprise to wake up to today! Thanks for appreciating it haha I'm glad it made you laugh!

Oh ya no probs, you beneficiary on this post too ;)

Half of my life these days seems to be tending plants. lol! The Freedoms know a lot more about growing food than I do, but I'm learning. ;)

Or maybe, they're tending to you 😉

You might be onto something there. :)

Really cool! growing vegetables and plants in the garden is an excellent choice

Yes, yes it is!

@tipu curate

Thanks brosef!

Thanks I will check it out