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RE: Hive Tips! (The Newest Toy From the FullAlt TEAM!)

in #altyes5 years ago



We all know that "spam" is not condoned on Hive.

The same principles apply here on Twitter.

Self tipping is not possible. So as to detour people from spamming and abusing Twitter.


How is it not possible? You don't know which twitter accounts i own related to me hive accounts.

i.e. Twitter user @jarvie_twitter can't send a tip to twitter username @jarvie_twitter

Simple enough!

not sure i follow how that prevents abuse but i guess time will tell

Well, it may not "prevent" abuse, as people are very creative when it comes to abuse. However it does prevent people spamming on their own Twitter accounts with the same account.

So if they wish to spam themselves, they will have to do so with different accounts and I can only presume that Twitter monitors IPs so it will still be "noticed" and stopped eventually.

Then someone will say "but IPs can be changed", yes they can and there is only so much that one can do.

Again, we have done what is possible as far as the same account spamming their own accounts with tips from the same account.
This should detour many potential spammers.

Not sure how any abuse would be involved in sending yourself a tip anyway, just a more visible transfer 😜

SPAM & I'm not talking about the ham!