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RE: Yeah, dunno - Father's Day and a catch up

in #alwaysonmymind7 years ago

Hard to know what to say that hasn't already been said by others.

My Human is stepdad to three (I know it's not the same thing) and even though the three (now adults) love him and were for all intents and purposes raised by him, the sum total was a brief Facebook message from the daughter. And they're adults. From a 12 year old girl? A lot more temperament and mood swings there... and I realize that just sounds like a platitude, so I'll stop.

Yeah, cycling with a lilo... especially near the coast where you get wind gusts? That could be a painful experience.

As for Steemit, I'd like to think there's enough of a dedicated core of users to turn this ship in a better direction. I guess all we can do is lead by example... and hope someone(s) follows.



Thanks for the comments @curatorcat, I've had some nice ones that have summed things up pretty well.

It was a decent gust, but maybe I'm looking for excuses a little ;)

@tarazkp has just published a good one today regarding Steem, and what's required to 'turn the ship'. I think there are enough decent folk knocking around and think much better days are still to come.


I'll check his post; he often seems to have some gold nuggets to think about.

I'd like to think this place will thrive, in time. Sometimes it seems a little ironic that those who have a LOT at stake here seem more complacent about the future than those who have relatively little and just wish for an awesome user experience.

Besides, the "greater story" of the gamification of social media seems like a really good idea.


Sometimes it seems a little ironic that those who have a LOT at stake here seem more complacent about the future than those who have relatively little and just wish for an awesome user experience.

This is a key concern or worry isn't it. I'm sure, or at least I hope, it's not as bad as people (including myself) think, but time after time I'm drawn to how I see large stakes being used, and it just doesn't look pretty to me.

Anyway, I'll continue as I am and pray to the Steem gods and see what happens.