Vaccines, common sense leads you to Question the Safety of Vaccines

in #alzheimers5 years ago

Your money hungry doctor may tell you that Vaccines are completely safe but you common sense tells you that the toxic heavy metals namely Mercury and Aluminum added to Vaccines are dangerous to the body especially to the brain.

Read and found this comment very interesting, thought I'd post it up to see what you thought. Are the Truths taught in medical schools been twisted around to suite those drug companies that fund many of the universities?

Here is the comment by 'SpikyTuber':

I'm very proud to have a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and am two years into my Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Leadership. Thimerosal is a compound made up of approximately 50% mercury. Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to man (next to uranium and its derivatives.) When someone says, “MERCURY!” we immediately think of the news stories about the child at school who broke a thermometer in biology class and the HAZ-MAT team was called in and all the students were in peril. Did you know they make that big of a deal (meaning bringing in the HAZ-MAT crew) for less mercury than what is contained in 1 vaccine []? Thimerosal is used as a preservative in vaccines to help prevent bacteria growth in multi-use vaccines. It is also used in the creation process of a vaccine, and then through a purification process it is “removed” and only “trace” amounts are left. First, I urge you to read this article: Is There Thimerosal in the Flu Vaccine? Next, let’s discuss what “trace amounts” means. (If you notice in the document above next to many of the “Thimerosal”‘s, there is an asterisk next to it. The asterisk notates that ” Where “thimerosal” is marked with an asterisk () it indicates that the product should be considered equivalent to thimerosal-free products.”) Before we move on, a little story — I was at the grocery store a little while ago looking at a large bag of “Stevia” — the new fad in no-calorie sweeteners. I was reading the back of the bag and I came to a little spot at the bottom that said “Each serving contains less than 2 calories which the FDA considers dietetically zero.” What?! That doesn’t even make sense! If something is said to be “calorie-free”, it should be calorie-free, right?? If something has calories in it, it has calories in it. You cannot place some carrots on the counter and tell me there are no carrots on the counter. A serving size of Stevia is 1tsp, so let’s assume that 1 tsp contains 1.9 calories. Remember, we have to assume because we DON’T ACTUALLY KNOW. It’s the FDA that says the calories in Stevia don’t exist, but just for the mere fact that there is this disclaimer on the bag lets us know that there are, in fact, carrots on the counter… er, I mean calories in the bag. But going back, we’re going to say there are 1.9 calories per serving. Using Stevia is “cup for cup.” In other words, you use the same amount of Stevia as you would regular sugar. So, I’m going to make some fantabulous “low-calorie” chocolate chip cookies with my “no-calorie” Stevia. I’m on a strict diet, so all I need to add up to find out how many calories are in my batch of cookies are all of my ingredients EXCEPT sugar, right? But wait… I’m adding 2 cups of Stevia into my batch of cookies. There are 48 teaspoons in a cup, which means I’m adding 96 teaspoons of Stevia — which also would equate to 182.4 EXTRA calories. There’s no argument that it has greatly reduced the number of calories in my batch of cookies versus using conventional sugar, but the fact remains: NO-CALORIE IS NOT NO-CALORIE. So the fact that those vaccines containing thimerosal with an asterisk beside it virtually says the same thing and is extremely misleading. They should be “considered equivalent to thimerosal-free products” gives the illusion that there is no thimerosal in vaccines, or at least not enough to have to worry about. But remember, if I eat 8 batches of my cookies that are supposed to be low calorie because of my “calorie-free” Stevia, I’m actually consuming 1,459.2 calories that the FDA says aren’t really there. This can be applied to vaccines as well. Many “well-child” check-ups include up to 8 vaccines in one sitting. So how much does “trace” mean? According to the CDC, it says less than or equal to 0.3mcg per dose. does a nice job of putting this into perspective: • 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water • 200 ppb mercury in liquid waste renders it a toxic hazard • 25,000 ppb is found in infant flu shots • 50,000 ppb is found in regular flu shots — recommended for children, pregnant women, the elderly… Also the math on how many ppb in a “thimerosal free” vaccine: 0.3 mcg / 0.5mL = 0.3 mcg / .0005L = …3,000 mcg / 5L = 600 mcg / L 1 mg/KG = 1 PPM (formal definition of PPM) 1 L = 1 KG (density of water or saline solution) 1 mcg/L = 1 PPB (because 1 KG and 1 L of water are equivalent) THEREFORE: 600 mcg / L = 600 ppb Thimerosal in the “thimerosal-free” vaccine Flu vaccine has “only” 25 mcg Thimerosal. The shot is 0.5mL. Let’s do some math: 25 mcg / 0.5mL = 25 mcg / .0005L = 250,000 mcg / 5L = 50,000 mcg / L 1 mcg / L = 1 ppb, therefore The shot has 50,000 ppb of Thimerosal Remember that 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water and normally 200 ppb would label something a toxic hazard. After we find all of this information out, we have to ask ourselves: Why is mercury dangerous?? A Research Video from the University of Calgary

***Notice that mercury doesn’t only stunt neurological growth, it actually reverses it, or destroys it.'

Think about it, something so deadly that the Hazmat Team has to be called but yet we ask that this deadly heavy metal be stuck right into our kid's blood stream and in to their Amalgam dental fillings by passing the normal immune system route risking these toxic heavy metals bypass the Blood Brain Barrier and damage brain nerve ending leading to brain damage which your doctor label as Autism, ADD, ADHD, Seizures, Tourettes ( Ticks ), Alzheimer's and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Sydrome).