Amazing facts of third eye

in #ama7 years ago

Introduction: We all know that we have two eyes from our childhood. But, do you know that we have an extra mysterious eye also from when we was born. Yes, it is a fact and here I will discuss all about essential information with related the third eye.

• History of third eye: If we take a look at the culture and history of India , then we will find all the mystery related to third eye. In the Indian epic, Mahabharata, we find Dhritarashtra who was blind. In spite of his blindness, he was able to see the battlefield of Kurukhshetra by his mind’s eye, the third eye. Besides this, we can also find in India’s religious history that the Lord Shiva has third eye. It is said that Lord Shiva has great super-natural powers trough his third eye. Except the Indian culture, we can find details related to third eye in Buddhism. Goutam Buddha had also told about this mysterious concept, the third eye. So, we can say that the concept of third eye has a great and holy place in Hinduism and as well as Buddhism.

• What is third eye?
We all know what ‘eye’ stands for. Yes, it stands for to see around us in physical world. But the third eye doesn’t stands for the same thing. It is a eye which locates inside between our eyebrows, center of forehead. In according to Ayurveda, Yoga, we find third eye as a chakra. In Yoga, it is descrived as a chakra named ‘Ajna Chakra’ or ‘Brow Chakra”. This eye belongs to us but does not activate yet. It needs some energy to activate itself. There are some techniques to open the third eye like meditation, trataka and other mind related exercises. Meditation is very good method to activate your third eye as well as to activate your sixth sense. It takes time to be activated. But, when your third eye will be activated then you will see the results. It will gives you a lot of spiritual powers.
• Opinion of Science:
According to science, there is no denying fact with this. Yes, science is totally agree with this concept. But in few years they have able to discover more updates about this. According to science, there is a small gland namely ‘Pineal Gland’ in the section of human’s eyebrows, center of forehead which we called as the third eye. Pineal gland is very short like a pea seed and a very sensible gland. It secrets two extremely vital fluids , Melatonin which is the hormone that induces sleep; Seretonin which is the chemical that helps to maintain a happy healthy balanced mental state of mind. Science says that the pineal gland is very sensitive of touch as well as the light. As because it has photoreceptors like our normal eyes, it has a sensitiveness to lightness and that’s why it could see. So, there are no denying fact according to science to the concept of third eye, the pineal gland, the inner eye.third-eye-2886688_1920.jpg