
1 The Presence Process by Micheal Brown

2 The movie in which i (and every apparent other) am (is) starring, aka The Dream of Life.


a quick choice from (apparently real) movies:
Kymatica (2009)

3 Your body, thoughts, feelings and mind is not the real you (me or us) but is more like (analogy) a character(s) in a movie (also known as Maya, or the dream of life) but you don't re-member, for-getting that you (me & us) are just characters acting in a movie.

You are every character, rock and tree that has ever (apparently) existed. You are me and i am you.

The real you (me & us) is just One Being (True Self) dreaming this movie of life on earth, thinking it is real.

Many self-realised beings have said in different ways that the root of all suffering is the false belief in this sense of i. When i believe (deep down, subconsciously) that this body, the whole world appears, and disappears (for every apparent one) when we self realise.

Note: Words cannot tell ultimate truth, just act as a pointer, so don't focus on the words but focus on what they point to.

Sat Nam

Hard to say really but I like metaphysical movies and if I can only choose one I'd go for Labyrinth with Jennfier Connely and David Bowie. Saw it when I just a kid and it left a deep mark. Started creating a lot of labyrinths in school and giant ones at home on paper only of yet;)
Others are: eXistenZ Matrix, Thirteenth floor, Avatar, Truman Show A Beautiful Mind

Labyrinth is great in the aspect that you can watch it at any age basically. Also it's one of the lst big productions that have real sets instead of almost only CGI....

will reply soon, been a busy lil beeee but gotta have some rest...bbl zzzZZZZzzzZZZzzZZZ

I'll get back to this ASAP just been busy with othewr work and irl/afk drama...

What's one thing you wish everyone knew?

Great question! Hmmm, I'd say the knowledge of the Fountain of Youth and The Holy Graal as I suspect I understand and discovered in 2006...