AMANPURI - High Leverage Asset Protection

in #amanpuri6 years ago (edited)


Analyzing the current trends, we can safely say that we are moving in the right direction. People strive to optimize more and more everyday processes, introducing into our lives more and more new technological solutions. Basically, these solutions revolve around IT-technology, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. But, who would not say that the development of these areas is nothing more than a normal evolutionary progress. After all, humanity has only two ways: to grow and develop or to degrade and collapse. And I am glad that the society of purposeful people strives to go in the right direction putting maximum of its forces for this movement.


But as you already know any growth is accompanied by a series of problems. Since they are only necessary in order to improve. Therefore, existing errors in the system is an excellent fuel for new reflections and high-quality solutions.

The topic that we will discuss today touches upon the issues of cryptocurrency exchanges and all related exchange processes. Of course, over the past 8 years there have been quite a few exchange platforms, each of which is ready to offer its users only the "best" terms of cooperation, but as practice shows this is not so. At the moment, 220 exchanges are officially registered, but the largest are only a couple of exchanges, the total turnover of which is hundreds of millions of dollars per day. But they also have moments that can be corrected or changed.

As for other exchanges, then everything is so confusing and ambiguous that the eyes understand from such a variety of defects and shortcomings:

  • the first drawback concerns almost all exchanges and is related to the lack of a reliable security system for the assets of their clients. Evidence of this we can naturally observe over the years. When hackers stole over two billion us dollars;
  • the second drawback is the lack of working tools that allow customers to fully manage their assets by means of a particular exchange;
  • the third drawback is the lack of high-quality and multilingual technical support on many exchanges, which leads to difficult moments in each individual situation with a particular client;
  • all this and much more in one way or another affects the General condition of all existing exchanges.

The team of specialists, which has been working on the cryptocurrency market for 8 years, intends to break this delem.

About the project

The project, the concept of which we will analyze today is a new cryptocurrency exchange, which has collected all only the best qualities of all existing exchanges, as well as supplemented it with a number of its unique tools. And the name of this exchange – the AMANPURI. If we talk about this exchange in more detail, it is officially registered in all legal acts of the Republic of Malta and is one of the best payment and exchange solutions of the first class.


To comply with this statement, the developers of AMANPURI have made every effort, experience and knowledge in order to provide a first-class level of service to its customers. To do this, they have developed a unique exchange platform in which more than 100 control levers will be used, with the help of which the user will be able to fully manage his investment portfolio. Moreover, the founders also took care of the security of the assets of all their clients, using reliable structures and tools of the blockchain technology itself and associated additional transparent States.


If we talk about the advantages of AMANPURI exchange, they are not enough, because the founders made sure that their exchange was not only at the level of the best cryptocurrency exchanges of the current time, but was in some issues a little better than the options presented.

To make you understand what kind of exchanges we are talking about, I offer you a small comparative characteristics of AMANPURI with two top exchanges, which lists those or other points that are inherent in each of the exchanges:


As you can see, the new AMANPURI exchange has powerful indicators, which means that it can truly take one of the leading positions in the entire list of top exchanges. To secure its position AMANPURI will allow its powerful security system, which allows you to control the level of reliability of all input data from the beginning to the end. All this is confirmed by a reliable digital signature system, as well as a number of secret keys necessary for high-quality protection against all kinds of hackers and other scammers. This and many other things are waiting for users when working with AMANPURI.


As for the internal token, everything is clear. This token will be used as an internal fuel with the help of which all exchange processes within the platform will take place, as well as reliably protect all the assets of the client. The token itself (AML) is developed on the basis of Ethereum and is the owner of the ERC-20 standard. As for its other technical characteristics, the founders of AMANPURI will issue 210 million coins, of which only 126 million AML will be available for public sale. In total, during the ICO, the developers plan to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 10 million us dollars. As stated by the founders of AMANPURI, this amount will allow them to complete all important processes and fully launch their crypto exchange.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:





At the end of his review I want to sum up some of what was written earlier. Personally, I thought the AMANPURI exchange was very interesting and promising, because I see what a high bar its founders swung. I am pleased to see that over the years they have analyzed the current situation with existing exchanges and come to their professional conclusion. And that it is necessary to add a new crypto exchange that others do not have, but also to emphasize the importance of what is already there. Therefore, users who have been in search of interesting proposals for a long time, I suggest you consider this concept, as well as study it in more detail by means of the technical document proposed below. All links are already prepared and waiting for you for a long time at the bottom.

2019-05-05_19-44-03 2 2.png

Official resources of the project AMANPURI:


MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32
UNIQUENESS - 100.00%;u=1238493


Cool idea project, have not seen such! Thank you for the information, I will follow the project!

I agree with you! The project really looks great! Thanks for the feedback!

Take into consideration. The project deserves a more detailed study on my part!

I am sure you will be interested in this project, after a more detailed study!

Nice review!

Insanely creative idea! I wish success to the team! Well, thank you for the review of the project!

I agree with you! The project really looks great! I am very glad that you are interested in!