 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I’m going to deal with the trash (you) the proper way and just mute you and let the bots handle the rest.

Have fun trolling my threads and wasting your time.

Bye bye bigot.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

@heimindanger is a homophobe, remind him it's 2018 and people are people.

Would you believe anyone who calls someone else a "fag" in a derogatory way?

Yes, because you guys seem to have a little thing for each other. I don’t see the problem with that but apparently you do since you find it insulting. Not surprising considering what you’ve called people in the past.

I also don’t really know if you’re male or female.

Another awesome failure at trying to justify your bigotry.

Bigot trash, don’t worry, I’ll get my commenting bot set up tonight. This should be fun showing everyone the real you.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment