Hello Nature Lovers !
I would like to cordially invite you to the first week of the Amazing Nature Contest. Just participate in #amazingnature by creating a post that shows how amazing nature is. This can be anything from a beautiful flowers and animal or the birth of a calf to an astonishing sunset.
What is the purpose of this contest?
I am a huge lover of nature and enjoy taking pictures of all the lovely things that surround me every day, no matter if those are plants, animals or landscapes. I found steemit to be a brilliant place to find and watch nature pictures from all over the world. There is such a diversity of those out there thanks to you from different perspectives and out of various motivations. I would like to collect all those beautiful snapshots in a kind of weekly compilation so that you can all benefit from the beauty that we are facing all the time, but so often are not able to appreciate in the modern times we are living in.
Contest Rules:
- Use the #amazingnature tag for your post.
- The pictures that you post have to be your own.
- State in your post why those pictures are representing your amazing nature.
- Drop the link to your post in the comments if you like, but it is not mandatory.
Possible Topics:
As nature covers an extreme wide range of topics there is anything possible. Amazing Natures broad categoties would be:
- Botany
- Zoology
- Geology
- Landscapes
I will try to link and present all the steemians that enter for Amazing Nature in the next announcement post that will be published in the following week. This way you will have a nice compilation of all the amazing nature pictures. I thought about creating the new titel picture from the best picture of all participants. An example of how this might look like is given here with one of my own posts that I created today about the Sarracenia, an amazing carnivorous plants.

There is also a discord server for amazing nature where you can promote your posts or read the content of others and discuss about any topic that comes to your mind.
For the beginning I would like to invite some steemians which I already met and from whom I think that they would fit in here perfectly and which I follow myself:
- @deltasteem : I really enjoy his beautiful macrophotography of flowers and animals
- @manorvillemike : He posts a nice mixture between georgeous animals, landscape .. and cats ^^
- @johannpiber : He always shows beautiful landscapes, but also already posted pictures of animal
- @dkkarolien : She has not only nice landscapes to offer, but a wonderful philosophie hidden in her posts that are an enrichment for all of us ^^
- @gargi : She posts a lot about nature and the love to it. I really like to read her nice posts.
- @joansteward : I like her posts about all the animals and plants from her life in africa
- @catlady.natascha : She is new to steemit but next to her cute cat pictures she is interested in our little birds
- @karbon : another great photographer of nature, especially for birds and landscapes
- @melinda010100 : She post excellent pictures of birds and flowers. Every bird lover knows her for sure ^^
I really hope that you like and enjoy the idea of such an Amazing Nature collaboration and hope that some of you will participate. Maybe this can be the start of a nice Nature community. The format is open for all kind of critics and the discord server open for possible adjustments so that everyone will be happy in the end. It is my first time I try something that big and are happy about anyone who wants to join this little adventure.
Best wishes,
Hello @adalger 🙋😺😺😺 Here is my entry: https://steemit.com/amazingnature/@catlady.natascha/naughty-pigeons-eating-all-the-food-in-the-feeder
Have a lovely Sunday evening with your sweet kitties!
How wonderful! That is going to be fun. I love nature and am more than happy to participate. Thank you so much for mentioning me on this post as well @adalger 😊 Looking forward to checking out all the #amazingnature posts that are being published.
Wünsche dir und deinen süßen Katzen noch einen schönen Abend! 😺😺😺😊
Huhu @catlady.natascha ^^ I am happy that you found the way to our competition too ;)
.. lets miauuuke it a nice catpetition, hehe .. I always wanted to write down that sentence to a car lover ^^
Beste Grüße an dich, Sonic und Samantha 🐱
I'm going to post Tom for your lovely competition ☺️Hi @adalger 🙋🏻Yes, sorry it took me so long! Haven't been online much the last week.
Totally! Miauuuke with me as much as you like, in English and German! 😂😹
Wünsche euch noch einen schönen Caturday Abend ☺️😺😺😺
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I am saving this one's photos for a seperate blog but I'll put one down as an entry into the #amazingnature competition 😉
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Hi there @dkkarolien ^^ .. thx for participating with this beautiful picture .. I am glad you joined us here ;)
My pleasure ☺️
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I decided to enter a waterfall. https://steemit.com/amazingnature/@melinda010100/amazing-nature-contest
Potawatomi Falls
Here is my #amazingnature shot :-) https://steemit.com/landscape/@boyerobert/enjoy-the-silence
This is my entry
Good luck
Huhu @brittandjosie .. this one is amazing ;) .. my eyes do not even know where to start looking, hehe .. thank you for participating in the contest !!
Great idea! Nature brings so much enjoyment to my life I like to share it with others. Thank you so much for noticing and mentioning my photos.!!
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Thankyou for kind words for me..
i think it is going to b fun to participate in this naturelover contest..... i will share it more n more....hey @adalger ....
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Hey there @gargi ^^ .. its nice to have you on board. Lets try to connect all the nature lovers out there .. and if this is going to work out .. well I am sure we will have a lot of fun ;)
The idea is great and I thank you very much for mentioning me, Adalger.
Of course I will join and post using the #amazingnature tag, if I don't forget ;) ... because this is my problem with the contests here on Steemit: I forget so many times about them, but I'll try to remember, I promise.
I am glad that you like it and that you joined in .. you are the first visitor on the discord chanel ^^ .. I followed you blog quite a time now and really like all of your mountains vs lake pictures ;)
.. its no problem if you miss the tag ^^ .. as for the announcements, as long as you do it at least once per week I will mention you and as you are on discord you wont miss anything once it is running ;)
Yes, I have been there, but I was so alone there :)
I must admit, that I am only on discord, when I need something. Before I joined Steemit I didn't even know what it is ;)
I think, once a week will be possible for me to think about the tag LOL
Here is my submission for this week, this should be a popular tag I suspect.
Hi there @karbon ! .. I am glad that you like it and directly posted a picture of your canoe trip .. that was sooo fast ;)
Haha.. I’m excited for your tag and like to see it thrive!
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Lets see it is will work out as I imagine ^^ .. it would be amazing if we could establish a big nature community ;)
Dear friend I saw your blog in promotion in the steemterminal I am sure gonna participate
Good luck
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Beautiful picture, great post. Looks like a fun contest. I hope you get lots of participants. I will resteem this too.
Hi there @viking-ventures ! Thank you for the support ;) .. maybe we will find you in the contest too ^^
This must be going to be another fun contest for sure,because there is no limit to to explore the nature and few subjects you mentioned., Waiting to see some fine pictures and I am wondering there are already few posts made for this and posted in the comments,
Would love to participate for sure. Thanks
Hello @angelro ! .. I am glad that you found it to the post ;) .. I am always happy to find more enthusiastic steemians. I am hoping for amazing pictures too and I am looking forward for yours ;)
My Entry here as promised.
Why thank you @adalger for including me in this post. Much appreciated and looking forward to some awesome nature photos. 😍
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Hi there @dkkarolien ^^ I thought this may be something you will enjoy too .. I am also hoping for amazing photos and there are already two entries here ;)
That is a great idea - will take some pics when I think about this :)
Huhu @seadbeady !! .. welcome to amazing nature. If you have some nice pictures I would be happy if you would share them here. Lets see how this evolves here in the future ;)
I love nature am curious to see what will be shown :)
https://steemit.com/amazingnature/@seadbeady/amazing-nature-in-olmense-zoo just made one :)
Thats a beautiful one ^^ thx for participating with those cats ;)
upvoted and resteemed. I'd be more than happy to jump on this.
@borjan, @bambuka, @ewkaw, @marc-allaria, @mariya-lorenz, @unlonely-soul, @tijntje, @miroslavrc, @biti, @sanddrift, please join.
hey, I hope you like my little entry... btw -- is it a contest or just a challenge ? the only unclear thing for me is, how often we are supposed to enter it: monthly, weekly?..
Thx for participating ^^
.. to be honest I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I posted this yesterday evening and now, I am still at work, there are already so many people involved, hehe ^^ .. I try to redefine the concept for the announcement of the next week a bit .. I actually try to mention every post, no matter if its one or three per week as my main goal is to connect and compile all of your amazing nature, so maybe more of a loose challenge .. I also thought about placements from 1 to 3 prior to the regular mentions, while a single steemian should not get two placements .. maybe the prizepool should be all the sdb that I recieve for payout so that I tip them after each week and make it a big contest this way ..
If this contest gets even more popular and there will be perhaps hundret of entries I have to rething it abit again. What I already try is so collect all your posts in the mentioned discord chanel that I created once I figure out how to run it and people start to join ;)
to me, conception of a challenge is better than a contest, it is more flexible and thus gives some benefits... ok! I will follow to your real-time-changing conception. all the best from cold cold Russian land.
Lets see how it works out this week .. with about up to 20 participants I would make it a simple challenge where I try to mention all of each steemians weekly posts, maybe up to 3 per person in a compilation like I shown in this post here .. so all you have to do is to use the tag whenever you fell the content might deserve it .. I already think it is a horrible task to choose a winner as I like all the entries up to now ;) .. by the way, to make this format suitable to all of you, I am really interessted in all your critics regarding all aspects of this amazing nature contest/challenge ^^ .. best wishes back, adalger
thats exactly why I consider 'challenge' more advantageable than contest :)
I agree! Judging is the worst part of a contest. Upvotes are much more practicle than prizes.
Upvoted and resteemed!
Thank you @joelai ^^
My pleasure!
What a great contest! I just might have something to enter!
Hi there @melinda010100 !! .. I am glad that you found your way to this contest .. I am already looking forward if you have a great contribution for us too ;) .. welcome to amazing nature ^^
Great contest. I will for sure take part in it.
I stumbled upon your post and I am happy to submit my entry
I am sure there will be many entries as there are many nature lovers, who are excellent photographers.
Hi there @nelinoeva !! .. thank you for that nice roses ^^ .. as you love them soo much I also have one for you ;)
Aww, this is so kind of you. 😀
Thank you very, very much!
Great competition thanks for this.
Here is my entry for this first round of #amazingnature
Hi there @sallybeth23 .. thank you so much for participating !! .. this monkey is sooooo cute and adorable ^^ that is a great picture .. I would really love to have one to cuddle ;)
Thanks very much, but not for cuddling hahaa they are really pretty crazy and feisty 99% of the time.... they hardly sit still for a moment and tear around the jungle in large groups that sounds almost like chattering tweeting birds so you can hear them coming. I have some great videos of them too.... I never tire of getting monkey pics... they are one of my favorite species I think and the ones carrying babies are just THE cutest..... I must post one of those at some point too haha
Hi @adalger i saw your post and there is one thing i love in life and that is the beauty of nature so i just had to share this one with you hope you like it !!
Hi there ;) .. thank you for your entry ^^
My pleasure !!