in #amazingnature • 2 years ago

Helo great hive community ,welcome to a new year😊 . Hope you had a great time today. I came across this special creature and I was baffled . Gosh ! wat could this be🤔.

Now let's take a look at this animal , it looks very much like a crocodile right? but no , it's not a crocodile . At first I equally thought it was a crocodile too , but no , its an animal called ALLIGATOR . Alligators are crocodilian from the family ALLIGATORIDAE. They are large semi aquatic animals with four small legs and a very large long tail. Alligators are cold blooded reptiles, that means that they are unable to control their temperature internally . It has an average lifetime of about 50 years.

Alligators cannot live in salt water , they live in fresh water habitats such as ponds, marshes, wetlands , rivers and swamps. They live in fresh water because they don't have the glands that will enable them to get rid of salt from their body. So if you ever see any animal like that peaking up out of an ocean water or any salty water body just know that its certainly a crocodile and never an alligator .

One interesting facts about an alligator is that their sex is determined by temperature and not by their DNA . It sounds weird right ? really strange . Now this is how it goes, if the nest of the baby alligator is cool
the babies are female and if the nest is warm male alligators are formed .

Alligators are considered as the loudest reptiles in the world . They roar loud when mating . The males alligator roar loud to attract mates and to also scare off potential predators . Irrespective of how the care and nature their young ones , it's discovered that parents alligators also eat up their young ones .

Alligators uses their powerful tails for defense , the also use it for swimming . They can swim swiftly . It's amazing to know that alligators can run very fast but they can't maintain the pace for quite a long time ; that means they have great speed when running but get tired quickly .

The Alligators have their eyes on top of their head . This feature makes it possible for them to have better view of their prey even when it's body is submerged in the water . Their eyes have a special ability to reflect light in order to enhance their vision at night . Their eyes glow when light shines on them .They are nocturnal and feed primarily at night.

Surprisingly , an alligator is not only a carnivore , it eat both flesh ,fruits even vegetables and legumes

Alligators have a protective feature which protect
them from infection after injury . Research found that the blood of wild alligator has both antibiotic and antiviral properties .

It's amusing to know that alligators stay submerged in water with their head above the water keeping their mouth open with their teeth showing widely .The actually do this to cool themselves down .Alligators sweat through their mouth .

when they are inside the water .It's quite hard to detect their presence .This is so because their rough skin makes it look like a floating log inside the water

These are the few facts about this special creature.

Thank you for reading this post , do have a nice day