Our First Steps in the Jungle

We’re excited with the technology of blockchain and how we can use it further beyond the applications of cryptocurrencies. However, our first step must be in the cryptocurrencies, so we started with EOS, a great opportunity for us to create our own way in the blockchain.
For our first step as Block Producers, we joined at Telegram channels to meet the community EOS and share our experiences. This way, we could expose our thoughts and doubts.
We created a cloud server on Amazon Web Services for testing, we chose the minimum requirements to run the node, the type instance is t2.large with Ubuntu OS Xenial-16.04 and the following features:
• 2 Virtual CPUs
• 8 GB of RAM
• 30 GB of Storage
We followed the steps in the repository to install EOS-Jungle-Testnet(dawn-v3.0.0) in our instance, it took a couple of hours to install the packages. The process to set up was easy, we downloaded the files and created the key pair to configure the config.ini . Subsequently, we configured the HTTP and P2P ports and then ran the node. Our main data (Server Location, Organization, IP, HTTP port, P2P port, producer name, public key) was sent to the JungleTestnet channel. Finally, we were producing blocks in the jungle, that was wonderful 😊 😊 😊
In JungleTestnet, we are named Macaw, because in the Mexican territory it is an endangered animal, so we thought that Macaw would be a good name for our node. We had some a few issues in the configuration but the Telegram community helped us to fix them. Thank you for the help!
Future Development
Once in environment production our servers must be able to handle the demand process, so we planned to scale them vertically, upgrading CPU, RAM and storage.
Now, we have a lot of things to learn about blockchain and EOS, we believe that we must take full advantage of these technologies to apply them in our process.