Getting lost in Amazon Outback, Men's herd of monkeys rescued

in #amazon7 years ago

Sun slowly crept up in Madidi National Park, located in the depths of the rainforest that covers almost all of the land between the Andes mountains and the Tuichi River in Bolivia. As reported, Wildlife Society Conservation (WCS) suggests that, Madidi National Park is the most common species in the world.

Storing various types of flora and fauna with the charm of an exotic rain forest. Nevertheless, behind the charm of the beauty of tropical forests, Madidi National Park also has natural wild life. The local indigenous people say these woods can engulf you in seconds. If you walk too far, you probably will not find their way home.

That afternoon in the forest officer Madidi National Park received a message regarding the disappearance of a tourist named Maykool Coroseo Acuña (25), from Chile.

An eyewitness said that night he saw Maykool was sitting in his cabin. At that time the tour Maykool and some local residents were solemnize Pachamama. Pachamama or Mother Earth ceremony is a ceremony that often do local residents to thank Pachamama because it has been allowed to visit their forests.

Feizar Nava, as the owner of Max Adventures, the agency places Maykool register for touring Madidi National Park invited to attend the ceremony. However Maykool refused. After the ceremony was over, Feizar back to the cabin to check it out and find Maykool have disappeared.

Frantically, Feizar and other officers then seek Maykool to every corner of the lodges located in Max Adventures, but they did not find anything. Search continued into the woods with flashlights and other equipment. This search is done until morning and Maykool still not found. There are no signs that allow the team to conduct further searches. Maykool seems to have completely disappeared. However there are many oddities in the loss Maykool.

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In the tradition of the people in Bolivia, local residents view the forest is a sacred place, full entity - a mystical entity. They are very respectful of the ceremonies that have been accepted in those sayings were hereditary. Pachamama ceremony is one of them. The ceremony is often performed local residents to thank Mother Earth. In the folklore of the plains of the Bolivian jungle to mention, if the Goddess offended, then he would send the evil spirit named El Duende to abduct people and hide it in another dimension. Such beliefs are still embedded in the head of people living in the plains of the Bolivian jungle to this day.

Romulo and his wife Tiburcia then called into the lodge by one of the officers. They are famous shamans are often called upon to lead certain ceremonies. Both of these shamans believe that, Maykool been brought by El Duende and hidden behind trees Mapajo energy. Soon both were immediately conducted a special ceremony, summon the spirit Maykool located somewhere that is not a single human being can go.

Search team group that has been formed in this Maykool search effort, then looking down the rainforest surrounded by tall trees hundreds of years old, with roots that pierce penetrate the soil. Searches were conducted almost 8-10 hours a day at each of the different woods. For days and days of searching, but have not found any clue about the whereabouts of Maykool.

6th day search began to find a clue, when one of the team bring socks he'd found in the woods to the family Maykool. Maykool family flew from Chile after receiving word that Maykool missing. Family Maykool then confirmed to the team that it belongs Maykool socks.

For Tiburcia Romulo and his wife, the discovery of socks by one of the teams is one way that can be done to look for the presence Maykool. Then the ceremony began again, this time in the hope they can connect with the spirit Maykool.

After nine days of searching, one of the team heard someone shouting from the river bank. The distance is less than a mile from the campsite. After visiting the origin of the sound source, the team finally found Maykool in very poor condition, dehydration and the like there are a lot of insect bites. His condition is very weak, after 9 days of survival alone in the jungle wilderness. The team then took him to the camp, lay down in the hammock.

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"I could not find the river that, until the herd of monkeys dropped the fruit right in my head and followed them until you reach the river, "said Maykool. "And I began to pray that I saved," he added.

At night when he disappeared Maykool said that, he could not resist a great desire to go to the forest. Fill his head filled with the voices that told him to quickly get into the forest.

"I ran into the woods," he said, "but the slippers I wear just slowed down, and then I threw it away, along with other items, such as cell phones and flashlights, until finally I got into the woods and began to think, what has i do? and when I decided to go back, but it seems it is not possible anymore. "

However, Maykool no confidence against shamanic ceremony that he heard and witnessed. According to him, salvation is due to God alone. It is God who saved him.