Fantastic. I am really pleased to see this application here. To be clear, @starkerz and myself do not decide on steem ambassadors. A review is done by a community manager who will make sure the application meets the guidelines (which a cursory view says it will) and then the community decides whether to approve or not.
Personally I always stay out of saying whether an application should pass or not when the post goes out for approval on @steem-ambassador, because I don't want to influence anyone else having their say, but I will say that I have experienced nothing but positive energy from @bennji and in my opinion I will be very pleased to add your name to the guild engine when the time comes.
I really appreciate this and would love to be a part of this mighty force called promo-steem on the blockchain. I personally believe a lot of good can be done under promo-steem and i would love tocontribute to that in whatever way i can.